Wednesday, 24 October 2007

"What would love do now?"

We would like to explore the joy of love expressed in your lives now. We have been part of the journey that you are aware of, "taking time" to bring people to a knowing of "no time", which is when there is only love. This is explained below.

In love there is no time, for there is nothing to fix, nothing between states of good and bad, just a constant state of "being" experienced as love. In this state you are connected to all, you can know all for who they are, and how they may be struggling or suceeding in their existence. You are very sensitive to all of life, and can tune in or out at will.

All are part of you, and when you know all others in this way, this is how the portals into all of life can open for you. There is nothing magical or unusual about this, it is simply that your separation from nature and "loves expression on earth" has separated you from these natural abilities.

As the world changes to embrace love of all (of the planet you live on and everyone and everything upon it), so these natural abilities will return to you.

The only practice you have to master is knowing that you and everyone and everything comes from love. It is in the acting from this place in your life that all answers become possible for you. It takes practice to decide from a loving position with all that you do, for you are so used to deciding from a place of fear, or lack of love.

However love is what you are each made from, so it is a natural path back that you seek.

Fear is a choice that you make, even if it is one that society encourages through its lack of compassion for the struggles that life brings. We separate at an early age from the love that we are born with, when life tries to fill us with fear to control us rather than understand us. Every young one is looking for help to realise the truth of their own unique expression, and we each need the love of a world that understands that our natural expression needs to be encouraged.

When we act intially from our own truth in life, as a child emerging from its connection with home (whilch is potentially strong for at least the first 7 years), our actions can appear confusing to those who strive to educate and feed us.

Their education did not embrace experiencing their true nature being helped to flower, and so they teach as they were taught. This form of teaching aids the ability to communicate, but it does not help as much as it could with the ability to "be yourself fully".

So the challenge almost everyone faces in remembering their true self is "what love is" and "how to express it in life"........for it is in the expression of love in our lives that all our natural abilities start to emerge and be available to us.

Let us talk with you about "how love works" and "what love does". For in knowing how love acts in all dimensions of being, it is possible to see where the challenges are going to be in this change process that the world is going through.

As the world continues to learn to encourage people to "be themselves", it is naturally bringing more love into everyone's life that acts this way. Being yourself is the ultimate "loving the self" act for any individual. It is where true love expression has to start, for we can only give from the love we have experienced in ourselves.

Love expressed on earth is the ultimate experience, the ultimate high, the ultimate pleasure, for it reconnects us completely over time with "who we are". And when we eventually become the love that we are in all moments, then time ceases to exist for us, for we have no need or desire, to anticipate the future, or regret the past.

So how does love work?

The easiest way to start is to ask ourselves, in each and every moment with everything we say and do "What would love do now?".

Whether it is a difficult situation or one that seems easy to us, by asking the question we come to know our own inner workings. We get to know what "loves answer" feels like in ourselves by making it a conscious process. Over time this becomes our most valuable skill of all, for this question can eventually answer all questions for us, in the moment, with total accuracy for us in that moment.

So how do we know if love is speaking to are 6 ways of knowing if love is present in the answer you feel in your heart.

As you read these answers, note that Society has learned a set of arguments that deny these to be true. Or society accepts them to be true, but chooses to not act from them. So this is one of love's first challenges for you, as you seek to act from love in your life. For this is how we all change the world, by changing ourselves to be the love we are.

1. Love's answer will harm no one
At the most basic level, love seeks to harm no one. Harm is never justified in love. "Turn the other cheek", and "love your enemies", from our past teachings, contain all the answers we seek to understand.

2. Love's answer will not try to control anyone or anything
Love sets you free. Love never seeks to control you or another through fear or power. To offer true love is to offer it without expectation for yourself, but in the knowing your love will be passed to another in time, who may or may not be you. In this offering your own love becomes more powerful.

3. Love's answer will seek to empower others, to make them strong
Love cooperates with, supports, empowers and enhances others' lives. Love expressed knows that in empowering others it becomes even more powerful itself.

4. Love cares what happens to other aspects of life
Love never exploits another, or use their skills or abilities without their full permission. A contract of fair exchange is always present in love's answer.

5. Love always looks for the best in everyone and every situation as the starting point.
Love never focusses on what went wrong, but on what can be learned from this most recent experience in life. Love knows that everyone acts from their own unique sense of purpose, and tries to understand and appreciate that point of view. Love knows there is a unique god given talent special in everyone, that when it is made real in their life will bring happiness and joy to them and those they share life with.

6. And finally loves answer will always be good for you as well as the other person or group.
"Love's answer" is never at anyone's expense. It always benefits BOTH parties.
The great secret in life that is missed by many seeking life's answers, is that any action that is good for the individual and the whole will be both successful and easy (in the long run). It may be a little harder in the short term, but it is always easier in the long run. And ultimately it becomes easy in the short term when you understand how expressing love works through experience. Love's answer always serves the good of all at some level.

"What would love do now" is a way to empower yourself and all you are connected with. This is how the world is changing, and will change in the future. And we are each a unique and special part of that change, with so much to offer when our love is expressed.

And so it is.......................

Lost souls

We need to talk now about life's lost souls.

There are those who were separated from love in their lives. They said I will go to earth and live this role of being separate again in the hope that those who have love can shine their light and make my darkness light again............

In this simple way, we as "God experiencing being god as a human", experience "the joy of the love that we are" creating love in situations of less love.

When we experience love, it is the same as experiencing and creating joy and bliss. This is God knowing God through experience. So for God to experience the true power of love, "He as Us" created a world where love was needed to bring back into balance what was less love.

And part of that rebalancing is to open our hearts to all those who have been "evil" in their lives, who are both in this world, and trapped in the spirit worlds around the planet.

Why are they trapped?

Because they can only ever become whole again when the world loves them for being who they are, or were in their moment of time on the planet. They are God acting from evil to enable love to be expressed and experienced. They wait quietly for loves call.

When they are loved, by those on the planet who can understand this call, then the planet need no longer have new souls born who feel unforgiven, worthless, low in self esteem, angry and confused into the world in which they are born............

For by releasing the past completely, and seeing it for what it was for, to teach all souls how to experience love in the physical, so that God (as each of us) can experience physically enjoying being God, surrounded by God (in nature and all living beings), and with no fear about how to help God in others be released..................

This is a step beyond forgiveness, for it is simply accepting that they are and always have been of love, and that they have acted out their chosen role to help love be experienced on earth...............

And so it truly is, as it all comes into perfect balance.........

If you feel able, please join with us to set all that has been evil free to live the love it is...............Prayer is the way, praying for the release of all those lost souls back into love again.................

And so it is...........

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Many dimensions of support for you in love

Now we want to work with you on the journey into the many dimensions, and how this works......................

Imagine you are here with us, for you are.

You are managing your life from here as best you can, with many aspects of you, that are friends and neighbours and relationships from many many lives and many many dimensions.

The goal is to find enough love on the planet in the things that you do, that you connect to the whole, as well as to the individual parts of spirit/soul that come into your life.

This is how it all works.

When you love others, however you do it, you open many doors for make all things possible. You light up the connections between you and them, and you light up the journey for you and for them.

And if you choose to you can try to do this for many in the world................. and these opportunities come the more you explore what you have done in your life...............

Through this exploration you learn to understand how love, working with us, with you, with all, and with the whole works.

This is multidimensionality!

When you know you are here too "in heaven", helping you "on earth" in this life, then you can create anything with us who are also you. Try it and see.................

Now! There is this part of you that doesn't like to test your power like that. This is what you say dearest one. "If I was to know what I am creating with all thoughts and how it was going to happen, where would all the fun be in its revelation.........?" "I don't want to know what is going to happen next!"

Quite right, and this is where we remind you that it is YOUR job to choose the energy of what you want to achieve, and OUR job here to make it happen, by the most effective loving ways that we can. We always bring love in, because love energy makes it all happen, and if you are open to loving people on earth, who unconsciously wish to explore opening their heart, then you will achieve whatever you want!

For EVERYONE in the world wants to respond to love, especially now in these "ascending" our role is we bring you those who can make a difference, you act in love, then we can all (HEAVEN AND EARTH) achieve much in this world TOGETHER..................

Now you see how it works.

This is the all of it, and you can teach this, for this is the most important part of the whole mix, that everyone is gradually stumbling towards...........

You have to be love, to want to be love, for this to happen. You can learn this in every aspect of your life - family, partners, children, friends and is all very confusing at first, and yet it is all becoming very clear.

The job is to spread the power of love to all, for in these times, your love is released sufficient that its power can be felt and seen all over the world REALLY can be, and it can be in all you do too..................

So how can we help you now. You ask us (Heaven) in to help, and what do we do to help?

WE create the most wonderful loving atmosphere for you and those you are sharing with, and all you have to do is allow yourself to be comfortable with this loving environment for it to be completely perfect.

All who are there will naturally work from the maximum love they have within them, whatever that may be.

It may seem to come out strangely occasionally, but no matter.......just know they are connected to love, and unconsciously are doing their best to manifest it. As long as you receive it as the best love they can offer, all will be perfect.

So it can be perfect. Ask and receive as you ask. And the secret, if there is such a thing, is that the key to it all is that WE here in "heaven" can, and WILL ALWAYS, create the loving atmosphere you call up for the time you are about to spend together with others sharing ideas and experiences .............and so it is.................... in this way, knowing this, you can be secure to talk from your heart in all moments of being there.................and so it is..........................the more you talk from your heart, the more they release their heart to you.

This is the great secret of multidimensionality!

You are here (in heaven), helping you (on earth) achieve love for all on the planet, and everyone can and will feel this in their own very special way.

This is the secret of it all................everyone is drawn by this feeling of being in a loving environment, and will interpret it in their own special and unique way.

Those who want to help the world through controlling others, miss the point of love. For love always sets others free, and so they can only be limited in their achievements. On the other hand, those who empower all who come into their lives, and try to empower all everywhere know the power of their love will make all achievable. They make everyone equal in love, and try to help them have equal access to whatever they want or need to experience their love on this planet...............

And so it is!

Friday, 12 October 2007

Life entries time

We wish you many life entries now, many times when you experience the joy of life connecting with God that is you. This is A LIFE ENTRY, an energy of life as God appreciating what you have experienced, and the appreciation and experience becoming as one. This is also the 12th stage in the cycle of life each and every day..........................

Some call it a peak experience, where the joy of sharing with another is intensified to the point that it is a new experience for the Whole of God, it is a unique combination never experienced before, and as such enlivens God in his wholeness, and makes him even more complete in the ever discovering world of who we are........and who God is.....................

These entry energies are what feeds the whole, they are the realisation that we are Spirit Souls, that we have an extraordinary connection to all that is, and that we can achieve anything..............if we wish to...................they are the feelings that we are incredibly special (and initially separate us from others) in our unique identity, but in time enables us to see that this beauty is also there in everyone......

Take your time and make it all come true now.....................we are with you, in you and for you now..............and so it all is........................

Bless us, bless you and bless all in your life...............................for all are one and whatever and whoever you bless shines, and their light shines back on you and blesses you without you having to do anything, except be...and so you are fed, nourished and engaged in the love that is all...............

As you feed others so you are fed, as you encourage others, so you are encouraged, and as you nourish others so you are nourished.................. empowerment is at the heart, and this is what the world needs to see now.................this is our role, to show the empowerment within that sets the whole world free from all the timely shackles of past experiences............all this is dead and gone now, and the whole is ready to know who and what it is.......... in everyone.................

So continue with all you do that is physical, but know that your true new energy is to empower the whole that is in all.........................empower and set free........

Empowering is enabling the "life entry" energy to come into each person you are with, to feel their own connection with home within by being recognised and appreciated as they are..........................................and so it is.....................

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

The good that is God in all

All of life is in front of you for all life is forever eternal................and all of life is behind you too, for all of life is lived in this eternity since God, as you, created you "to experience being God as this unique aspect of conscious spirit"...........

Imagine the circle or cycle of life that you know as the 12 months, or the 4 seasons, or the 24 hours in a day. And then think about the different energies of the different months, seasons or hours as they change through a full cycle.

These are the many individual energies that are the different aspects of the Soul of God. Soul of John is one of these as it carries the energy of "John". "John" energy says "see what's coming!", it tells you of a new dawn that is coming, a new seed in the ground, a new spring in the air............and it can see what this next phase is all going to be knows there is newness and goodness in the air. In Christian terms, John (the Baptist) is the foreteller of the Christ energy coming, the new ways of seeing things that are becoming possible.

This is one of the many energies of the spirit that are possible...........maybe your soul energy is to say, "let us learn from the past, there is no point in thinking about the future unless we learn from the past" (like the evening "review of the day" energy found in many traditions). Whilst another's soul energy maybe to say "forget about the past, for all that matters is what is possible in the future (a "new day" energy)", and yet another may say, "all that matters is now, and the past and future are irrelevant to this present moment where all choices are made"............

Each of these is correct as a perspective, and yet each is completely different in their approach to life. These are just some of the fundamental soul energies. They are each balancing aspects of the complete cycle of life that the soul of God takes form as. All energies ultimately balance each other out. They have to, or there would be chaos.

And whichever aspect you are of the Soul of God, then this is your total experience of your power through are living this energy in all lives and in all dimensions you choose to explore.....feeding back to the whole that is the Creator through your experiences of love, and enjoying the moment for what it is as this particular aspect of being that you are........................

Along the way, as a human being, you have learned ways of using your natural energy to try and express and protect your life in a world where all the energies of God's soul, in their many different seasonal forms are each learning new ways of experiencing who they are. The result is that everyone experiences the same situation differently, and everyone thinks they are right............

And they are..............

Whilst it was necessary to protect yourself from a world that sees things differently to you in order to conserve and understand your energetic approach to life, it is not how the whole will always live.

All aspects of the whole are a little, or a lot, different in their base or foundational energy from EVERY OTHER soul. And each is doing the same thing. It is finding out "who it is" in this present physical form, as it has been for all time...............

As we protect ourself from others different energy, rather than accepting and enjoying and celebrating the differences of other aspects of God's Soul, we experience a limiting of our own energy potential at best, and at worst a closing down of our own energy potential. We cannot grow to our full potential if we are not also connected to our lifeforce, the whole that we are part of. Just as the plant needs the sun to fulfil its full potential and be able to flower.

This cycle of expression has taken all of us through many life experiences that we can know in the fullness of who we each are now. All we have ever learned, in many different dimensions, as this aspect of the Soul of God, is who we are now, today.

And now, on planet earth, is where we have chosen to remember the whole of who we are. All of us together. For we all said that one day we would choose to remember (or re-awaken, or ascend) into who we each really are.

These are the changing times we find ourselves in.

Our "whole unique selves" remembering who we are, and celebrating that same remembering in and with every person in our lives. Seeing and experiencing God in every person on the planet that we share it with.

For all of God's energies are here now, all of his soul knowings through time, and it is as we learn to each become who we are, and then work together in this knowing, that an amazing new creation becomes possible..............

These are extraordinary times as God emerges in every spirit soul everywhere. Enjoy the ride, and make it easy for you by seeing and appreciating the good that is God, the special nature that is individual to everyone in your life.

And then you will see and know it in you..................