Thursday, 18 December 2008

Massive change of direction for so many

We know you have been struggling, but know that it is the same for everyone. It is good you struggle too, for it is a testing of your personal integrity, chosen by you. And it is all for your benefit, to see how true the flow of love is able to be to you........for as love flows, so life changes and is never ever able to be stuck again................

Your prayer has allowed us to minimise the pain, but you could see how easy it has been for people to lose their way with each other...............what this intense change period has shown each person is their abiity to heal, to forgive and to understand and let go of their own weakenesses that harm others............

Balance in all things, seeing both sides always, is what is being released to all who can carry this energy at this time.

All of this is the tidying up at the end of a year (2008) of massive is not the end of this tidying up, this releasing of what is not fundamentally of love in each persons life, but it is the big step into this release.

And from spirit side, we are here to give so much support to help each person figure their own way through the change.

Everyone has been in pain, either physical or mental and emotional.............. everyone has been hurt by others actions, and by their own lack of love for themselves. Everyone has done so much to try and make their world better, but still people are trying to control life too much......................

And everyone has allowed the whole to become more a part of them.....and this IS painful.

For as the pain that is inside every person is released (as love enters from the whole), the body has to change......We see so much sickness..........

And the pain comes to the surface and is expressed against others or against ourselves................and it is clear for all to see, including us..............

It is not easy to live through this, but it is incredibly healing. And we can know now that as we go through the 21/12 gate, the winter solstice, the energy of growth returns (the days start to get longer), and the final tidying up is completed for this year. Whew!

Appreciate your own awareness of this change and give thanks for this knowing. And pray in your heart for everyone that is trying to release "what is not of love" in their lives so that "what is of love" can enter to stay for good...........for this year the change is permanent for so many, as the release is more complete than ever before..................

Know you are blessed, for your Higher Self is closer than ever before. Your God is with you.

And so it is..............

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Deep Spirit Connections

We are here to explain the deep spirit connection that is contained in your agreements with those in close family and friends.......friends that feel how family could be.................

When you are spirit in heaven, on the other side you are aware of all of your interconnections with other beings /spirits / souls who you have worked with before. In this life these are always the people you feel most drawn to, that you end up spending a lot of time with, and who influence the quality or direction of your is exactly as it is in computer games, except that the level of interaction is much more subtle and not at all obvious until you make a breakthrough in your own understanding of the way life is..................

We are trying to remember through the experiences of life that we are each part of God, that we are interconnected, that we chose to play together, that we hold messages that are key for each other, that we don't know what we do for another, that we are supposed to be true to who we are inside REGARDLESS OF HOW WIERD IT MIGHT FEEL............................

And the natural flow of energy now is that everyone is waking up more and more to the real person inside that in a sense controls their life. This is the chosen "avatar" that we came to play as. We have arrived at this person with these skills after much discussion and soul searching as to how to best develop this aspect of your whole soul's experience (which is also off doing many other things in different dimensions as well as on earth).

For many this is not new information. For many the idea that we are both players in the game of life on earth and the creators of the game has not been an idea to struggle with. It makes sense, and it helps make much more sense of life. When we choose to explore as a world this true relationship with life, we will enable much more delight and joy in the game that we are playing in.

So why is this so important to be exploring now? Because we have entered the new phase of the age of ethics, the time when ethical and integrated decisions will survive and prosper. Simply put this means connecting with our individual inner truth. It means accepting that all that we do is who we are, and to feel blessed for these reasons, these ways of being, these skills or passions. They are us, and then as we accept that "what is" is for a reason, then we can move on and make new is full acceptance of ourself as we are, and seeing how being the way we are enables and supports others on their journey.

We are looking at choices we made together as spirits, checks and balances in our inter-relationships to help each other achieve the goals we each have within our hearts.

This is a deep soul connection, beginning to see these inter family/friend/colleague connections, these healings that we are bringing to each other, these enlightenings and strenghtenings in our love of self and all................

So how can we find what we hold for another, and can we let it go if it no longer serves us in our view from earth.

To realise a gift we brought to offer another is very powerful. It opens all the doors in life to a much stronger connection to God. Being true to the true you is what makes your connection with God very strong.

But what if this gift we hold is so painful to bear in our minds eye. This is because the human part of us is not accepting who we have chosen to be. It cannot be changed until we accept ourselves as we are, and accepting ourselves means we would not want to change it unless its role had been fulfilled. Accepting ourselves as we are means that we accept our role in changing the world for the better, in our own special ways.

And then we simply connect with the God we feel in our heart guiding us in each moment, and by living in each moment listening to our heart (our connection with God) within, we become free to be all that we are.....................all that we chose to be in this life when we created the game that we have chosen to play in.

So how do we make this understanding of life more practical in this age of truth and ethics?

"Where is the pain that needs transforming" is the question. And "Where is the joy that we have that we are gifted with".

Finding and knowing and living this transformation of pain into knowing, into acceptance of who we are allows all possibilities to be manifested. It allows all choices, but it is not until full acceptance is there that change is possible of the deep soul connection kind. Finding the beauty in "our darkness", in "the pain we experience"is the challenge everyone is facing in this changing world we live in................this is the transformational energy that all know who have accepted who they are completely, and offer their true selves to the world in each moment.

Gifts that bring us love serve to make life enjoyable, and "difficulties" that we have serve to help us to transform some aspect of our being to one of love. Love for ourself completely and for all others, no matter what gifts or "difficulties they may have to experience.

In time all experience becomes good, becomes "of love", and so we see the whole picture that life offers much more completely. This is when we totally accept who we are as the gift we have given ourselves to live with in this life on earth now. This is the road we travel to find peace in our lives in each and every moment, regardless of what we are doing....................

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Your world has changed completely......your love for all is what will protect all, and your love of the earth is why you are here

Our message is simple today. Everyone knows that the world has changed. Many of you have prayed for it and it is now manifest. Now how do you plan to make your offering to this new world. This is the challenge that faces you now. How do you want to be in this new world you have been part of creating.

Talking with your deepest connection, your soul connection to God, to your part of god is how you will know, and when you invite this energy to flow through you, so it will..................Across the world people are connecting to their part of god in ways never imagined before. They can feel their love for their fellow men and women in new and extraordinary ways, and it is this feeling that is lighting up the world now.

You are all born anew. No one is the same as they were prior to 4th November 2008. Nothing can or will stay the same, for so many trust the inherent balance that is offered on the world stage, and that which has fallen is now arising. Chaos is always needed before change, to allow everyone to see what needs to be changed. Thank God for those who have shown us both sides of this, for in this programme of accelerated learning on earth, you are all now ready to move the world on, in your own individual and unique ways.

Be blessed and accept that as you bless so all are blessed. Pray for the strengthening of each others connection with God within, each others unique connection with God within. For as all these aspects of God come alive across the planet now, and the melting pot that is the earth becomes more and more coffee coloured, and intermixed, so you will see wisdom arising everywhere.

You can see it now, and it is very exciting. It is grounded, unlike the way it felt in the 60's, it has depth and it knows, for it is connected to the God within each person.

Enjoy the game now. It is here to be played together!

Friday, 10 October 2008

थे डे ऑफ़ change

The day of international change 10/10/08

Today will be remembered as the day the world changed. It is the day of reckoning for the world, and the start of a new reconciling.

Our message is simple.

The illusion is unwinding.

Man is connected to all and everything, and every human on the planet is deserving of opportunity and choice in their life. As long as this is not so, the financial systems will always fail.

The current illusion is emerging from the reality that financial man has created. He thought he had created a magical world of unlimited money for financiers. In truth he was stealing from the poor. It is mans creation for his own greed.

All can see this now, but underlying this is the hidden, but emerging reality, that as long as man exploits another through the business he runs then the whole system cannot develop for the good of all.

Exploitation of those who are not in control can only create imbalance and pain for everyone involved. Those who are exploited and those who exploit.

Everyone is under consideration now.

Sleeping easy will not be possible for those who have exploited as the world tries to understand and untangle what has happened. Similarly sleeping easy will not be possible for those who have been exploited, as they worry about their ability to survive in a world that is going through change.

Today is the beginning of the New Finance, the finance that is what it always was supposed to be. A way of paying for what is created that is of value, that serves mankind and that ensures that all men have equal hope, opportunity and choice.

No man can be exploited by another in the world that is to be created in the future. Finance is there simply to support and encourage, backed by government that is of the people.

And although this will appear to be a surreal dream initially, it will soon be seen to be the basis of rebuilding trust and hope for the future world.

In the new emerging world, Businesses will deserve the right to exist according to the service they offer to the local and larger community. They will earn a license to serve, and any business that exploits will be expected to change their ways. This "right to exist" will be monitored by local and national bodies made up of ordinary people, and ratings will be earned and given in this way.

All transactions will be in the open, and people will have ways of exploring if they are being exploited and not served.

"Love all, serve all" will become the watchword for this new society. Through choice and support from the the most senior positions of leadership, for this is what the population will demand from their leaders in the new emerging economy

No longer will those who try to make a positive difference have to struggle. In the new world " For the benefit of the individual and also for the benefit of all" will be the international call of economies.

Welcome to the world when the spirit within every person on the planet becomes alive, and we see who we really are, and create the world that we want and deserve as interconnected spiritual beings living on earth. We are all One, and now we choose to act this way.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Your Presence in your present

All your dreams are available to you now. The world in which you live is complicated by one thing, and one thing alone.

People are learning to be their spirit as a human, and to do this they must learn to live in the present moment, and to not let their past and future be entertained.

Love flows only in the present moment, as you allow yourself to connect to all tht is around you. Everything that is in your present moment, in your presence, is part of you in some way. It is your creation that you have enabled through your life choices. It is the world that you have created with the Greater part of you, the guiding spirit part of you, that you can see as you or separated from you.

It matters not initially how you see this Greater you, but in time you will come to know the true meaning of oneness, and will know you are connected to anything and everything.

The naturalist knows this. Anyone that works with the joys of nature knows they are connected to all they see in some inexplicable way. But they know it to be real for them, and it feeds them with wonderful feelings that make it impossible for them to choose anything else. They live in the moment.

Each person has their own special way of relating to all around them. Everything in their life is a part of what life offers to them. It is chosen by them to feed them, for it is what they need in this moment now......................and if they reject what is around them then they create a dissonance that makes life uncomfortable.

Living with "love of all you are connected to", that is present in your life, now, is the crucial key to unlock the doors into the new dimensions of living that are open to us all now.

Experiencing each moment for the joy it brings, blessing everyone that comes into your life, whether they bring challenge or ease, and not predicting a future or worrying about the past, is how to live the true you.

This is the process of "living now", as our world opens up to our greater being, the spirit within emerging more strongly in our life in each and every moment.

Let the future go....let it be whatever it is, and know that in the moment of living in that future, you will know all you need to know as you have chosen all that you find in your life at that time.

Let the past go...........for it taught you many things about you, about how to love all, especially your neighbours and enemies, and how when this is not possible life can become very painful. Forgiveness is the bridge back to love, until we cross the bridge and see there was ACTUALLY NOTHING TO FORGIVE....IT WAS JUST YOUR FEARS THAT WERE BEING RELEASED.

And so it is.........

Sunday, 3 August 2008

We all chose to know or not know spirit

When you connect with your heart, where our greatest strength (as spirit) is within you, you automatically are connected to God now. From here we can gradually spread out into the all of you, and protect you, encourage you, and show you so many possibilities now. What this connected world brings to you are all the open doors into the multiverse, the universe that is infinite, and is a part of you...............everyone and everything is connected to all parts, and everyone is connected through me.

When you know me within you, and you do, when you know me consciously within you, then you are connected to any part of the whole that your heart is drawn to.........not your mind, but your heart, and your heart says, "I want to connect with "all in my life" with all the love that my connection with God allows me.............I want to write words and music from the stars, I want to enjoy the beauty of making the world a better place because it is our world, my world and everyone's world."

You say in your heart "In other words I want to create a better me, which is a more loving me, a me that is seamlessly connected with god......................."

"When I am seamlessly connected with god (which I am and I am not in different moments), then I can know all that is going on..............everywhere, if that is what I want and need to do. We are of course protected from everything crowding in, by the extraordinary gift that is our body......."

"So the key is living in the moment in conscious knowing that I am connected to God.......................I am part of God, and all of this is my creation."

When you live consciously in the moment you ARE connected to God..........however you see him or her to be.

When you are a child you see that for a brief while, that it is all created just for you............your world is nothing like anyone elses, and there is nothing that you cannot do if you choose your world.............and where your world interacts with other worlds, there is much joy and sharing to be had, for you are meeting yourself in each other person (everyone reflects back your God "strengths" and "not strengths")............and although you may not know it as it truly is, your enthusiasm for each thing you do is what inspires other around you..........

God within you energy is to be honest, to share, to co-operate, to respect, to support, to help, to empower all through your life..............why is this?...........Because you know you and everyone is part of the same whole, part of god......and you want to see more of God in EVERYONE you meet............this natural part of you comes out of all that you have achieved and do.........

As God, this part of you that is alive in you in this moment, I can tell you many things that you do not want to know..........when you will each leave the planet, the challenges that you are presently inviting into your life and why. But you don't really want to know, do you?

All of this is easy stuff for the god part in you. Yet all of this is seen as extraordinary, as remarkable, in fact humanly, ALL OF THIS IS MAGIC!

And yet it never is, for you are me, and I AM YOU, and all we do is we are learning to live together consciously in an unconscious world. And this world is in the process of waking up to the all of what it is............

Each person is at a different stage of waking, depending on where they choose to operate in the world from.

Some have chosen no awareness of who they are, some are partially aware, and others have nearly full awareness...................

Those who have no awareness, choose this way of life to enable them to help the world in its development, practically, physically, with little feeling for the spiritual whole...........................but they know that this is their waking up time now. They feel very different, and see the importance of what they do, long denied by the "so called spiritual". Their chosen way to help is to be blind and then to see.

For others it has been the opposite path. The pain of knowing spirit within strongly and seeing clearly all that is going on in the world, and waiting for all others to come into the light. And clumsily trying to help those who were not ready for spirit within to be felt just yet. for their time was not then....these people see and then go blind by not seeing the world in change.............

And they feel so strange about knowing spirit when others deny or can't feel it the same. Yet it was simply a life choice to be ready for now. When all can begin to go into the light in their hearts fully.................

For those who are fully connected, then this means that all your life it has felt very strange to be here, for you have had an inner drive to be connected to heaven in your heart, to remember your connection with God.........and at different levels of understanding from physical to spirit, through strong emotions, all of this world has been opened up to you, little by little.........

And those who are spirit connected have known throughout that they cannot fully go through the door until everyone else has (while on earth). But of course they can return for a rest in heaven any time that they like.....................

So in choosing to know their connection to heaven and to God, they also chose to help all others through the door that we have agreed to try and open on earth by creating heaven on earth.......for others it is just as important what they do, but it is different, for you all make up the whole that IS MOVING INTO KNOWING NOW.

And so it is...........the world is changing fast now. Enjoy!

Thursday, 24 July 2008

God having fun!

God having fun!

Here are the new realities we are waking up to, remembering as true.

We are each unique, eternal parts of God

Our unique special connection with God means we each have a unique way of being here......there is no one else like us

Because we have our own unique connection to God, we have incredible powers and abilities that we are just beginning to appreciate. Enjoying being our special nature is why we are here. Our job is simply (in all love openess and honesty) to "be who we are"!

Everyone everywhere is as important as us, for awakened together we make the whole a living joy. No one is excluded.

Helping others to realise their potential, their special connection with God, is how we best make our unique connection come alive at this time.

We are born to share with each other. Sharing our unique way of being is God's gift to God.

Those who have been hurt, abused, damaged or deprived by life need special support to help realise their special gifts. We are incomplete without everyone realising their special connection with God, so we have to help to be complete in ourselves.

Everyone has a right to food, water, shelter and opportunitiy, just as we have. We are all equal and vital in terms of value and potential. Enabling that potential is our gift to each other, and to ourselves.

In Summary

We are each God playing games with God (God in me playing with God in you)

We are God playing with himself...........God playing with herself................

God having fun!

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Your connection with God within

As the new times leading up to 2012 become increasingly manifest, the major change in everyone's life will be their connection with God. God will change from being "someone outside of them", who guides through his teachers and books of wisdom and knowledge, to "a God everyone can and will access within them", with wisdom and knowledge and knowing available specifically for each individual.

This will be the time of "the Individual God".

This will be the time of a God that will be seen and known in everyone, and each person will know that they, uniquely, represent an important part of the whole of creation, and will learn to act from this place of knowing and being.

It will a time of great challenge for all of society, for in this transition societal man will learn to give up his knowing what is best for others, whether they be nations or individual, and learn to ask how they can help the other to achieve knowing their own "god from within" guided goals in life.

All will learn (and want) to listen to everyone, everyday, in each and every circumstance. We will WANT to know what another part of God is thinking and feeling inside of them.

We will learn that true love comes from the supporting each other connect with our own God. For when another connects clearly, then God will be talking to God on earth CONSCIOUSLY.

This has always been God's plan.

To be able to create consciously on earth with each and every other part of the God. This is the name of the game all play. God discovering God and playing with him on earth.

Once this great wisdom unfoldment begins, and it is in its very early stages already, slightly ahead of the prophesied timing, then man will come to see that all his rules "that support and help with maintaining an unconscious humanity" will gradually be able to fade away............

As each person learns to know their own inner connection, so the world will change in ways you can barely imagine.

Imagine what man can achieve when we are consciously encouraging each person to express their inner self and creativity, when this then joins with another, and how this will rapidly create a new world in which boundaries will become non existent. God will talk to God everywhere, and each part of God will know what to do.

And where people are not yet able to feel the love within themselves to contact their part of god, then the other parts of God will know what to do to help. For God will speak clearly through each person, whether they be friend or past foe, and say "how can I help you?" and "this is how I would like to be helped".

In this world your infinite needs will be supplied. Man who knows his connection with all that is, will always know what to do, and man will also know that all things are to be made available for everyone according to their own inner guidance system. "Ask and it shall be given, as in heaven, so on earth" will be the guidance we will all feel clearly inside, and know how to live it.........

Enjoy these changes, for they are in transition now, and know that every person will know their own Individual God clearly in these next few years..............and so it is...............

You are all blessed with your inner god, and so you will bless all who come into your life.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Why does it feel so hard?

It is like walking through treacle or thick sticky mud............all that "has been" clings to you and won't let go, because you are choosing to not let it go. You think you have chosen to let it go but you haven't yet. Why, if you think you have let go, is it still sticking to you.........

Because you haven't asked us each day, in every way to help you.

You have to see clearly what you are letting go of and choose with us to let it cannot simply have a bad experience and say I let go of this.

Unless you see what it is in you that attracted and brought this experience to you, you can't let go.

Remember, in the new world you KNOW that you choose and bring to you all experiences. Until you begin to know that you make these choices in this changing world, how can you let go of the old?

The "old" says to you..........I am no more if you see me for what I am in you. And then you can ask heaven, the angels, God, your higher greater self, to help you now to let go of this part of you...................

You have to want to do it, and by asking us with meaning and feeling, having seen the truth in you being released, then you will achieve your "letting go" goal, and be free to walk on firmer ground...............

Where is the pain in your life? What is the pain you feel?

If you can welcome your pain as your guide to the road back to the real you, then you will be able to find all you are looking for. Your fears and pain are what you need to embrace and appreciate as your guides to who you are behind the pain and fear.............

Your guides say, "Here we are, waiting to be released now. We can't go away as in the old days, because everyone is changing, and you asked to be at the front of the queue so that in turn you could help others...................."

Ask us to declare ourselves to you clearly...............see what aspect of "you" you want to be looking at with compassion now. Look at this part of you with total love, for it is this part that has stopped you being too powerful in your body when your body would not have coped..................

Now your body, and everyone's bodies are saying, we are ready to hold more of "the spirit that is you" in human form. This is the change energy.................

Look with total love and compassion on the pained and fearful you, embrace this support from your ego that has protected you up to now in a world that does not seem to understand, and know that you can be free when you open the doors in your heart to trusting and working with heaven consciously all the time is that time............

Love all of you and so love all.....................

Sunday, 25 May 2008

The only goal

When we remember our true power within there will be no more ill health.

When we recall why we are all here, and support each other on our individual journeys through life, and this support becomes part of how everyone works, then there will be no fear, no pain and life will be full of joy..........

Although this seems an idealistic vision, somewhere in everyone there is a memory of "who we are", a sense of something important about us that no one reminds of with confidence..............

Is there a God, a Creator....or did it all just happen by chance?

If there is no creative force that we are part of then nothing we see would or could be..................everything you see is a result of someone's creativity.

There has to be a Creative Force, and we are a part of it.

Every cell in our body came originally from one cell, and has unique properies (like being a brain, elbow, hand, stomach, liver or heart cell etc). And yet every cell is part of the whole body too.

And the cell contains in the DNA everything about the whole body, it is like a hologram of the whole body.

This means every cell knows everything and is connected to everything.

We, as humans, are the same as cells. We are unique beings as part of the Created Whole. And when we know this, see this, and live this, then we will make new choices in our lives for ourselves and for everyone.............

And the glue that joins it all together is love.

When we love the other parts of ourselves as ourselves, then we are complete and whole.

This is our true power.

When we love all as a part of ourselves, then we completely love ourselves too. And when we love ourselves, we allow ourselves to completely be ourselves. Then we are totally happy and content, at peace and fulfilled.

This is the only goal..................

We are each a part of God experiencing life on earth through us.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

The child of your higher self

We are here to tell you one simple thing. When you open your heart and invite love in, know that it is your love that you invite in.

You are the child of your higher self on earth.

Your higher self contains all the love you need and that you are, and as you invite love in know it is your love. And use it as you feel it growing. For by using it you enable it to flow through you.

Then you will transform your life. You will become the conscious child of your higher self, and know exactly, in the moment, what you need to do next. You will know, and you will let go of any needing to understand.........

Because you are love, you have no need to understand anything. You don't need to understand that you love a baby. You love this baby because it is a part of you. Love is who you are when you accept this to be true.

To understand is not of love, not of the all of you, for it requires you to make judgements and process information. To know is simply to be in the moment and express the love that you are............

Be the love you are, know you are a magnificent creation of your own higher soul self, and that you are eternally aware of your oneness with the God that is of you and is you...................

Invite love from your heart into your "heart in your head"................and know what love does...........

Friday, 25 April 2008

Separation from love - to be or not to be?

All is well on heaven and on earth. All is well for you and for everyone that sees that separation from love is "who they are not"..................

You, on earth, act either "separate from love" or "connected to love". There is nothing else..............

This is all you have to understand. Of course the choice to separate is not necessarily made consciously, especially because so much of being a child is about learning how to deal with others who have already forgotten the love that they are part of.............

You are never separate from love - it is always there for you to ask have simply forgotten it is there, or do not know how to bring it into your life......

In every moment of every day, you can be joined with love, with the love that you actually are within. For this is the wisdom you seek in your life to enable you to get the most joy and pleasure from being here.................remembering your love allows you to access all the wisdom you need to make all the choices that life brings to you........and as you remember who you are, the love that you are, so there are no choices to make, for the only choice there ever is, is between being separate from the love you are, that made you and is you, and being this love in this moment..........

As you become this love, so time ceases to exist, you become all that you are, this unique individual sprit that has chosen to come here on this part of their everlasting journey.......................and as you become more aware of you, you will also know that part of you that is on other journeys other dimensions, other planets, are places of being, other time are an extraordinary being in the remembering.......................

You may have chosen to forget certain parts of you to detune you enough to be here, but we say to you now, that the you that you can experience now can be as complete a you as you wish it to be. Cross the bridge to your own love by asking in each and every moment you can remember "What would love do now?", and as you become more conscious of love, you will then begin to say "And what would MY love do now?".

For your love is unique to you, and this is what makes it all so special..................for you, and for the world you live in, and the world at large................
When you open the door into the love that you are, you revive your connection with God, however you have chosen to see him in your life..............the more love you invite in, the more of your connection with that part of God that activates you, you bring alive..................

Remembering the love that you are means that you don't understand love any more, because when you become love you know love. This opens the doors into your own knowing. Knowing means that your life becomes timeless, for when you know, it is an "in the moment" experience, and when you live in the moment, then "you are love, expressed on this planet, as you"!

So now that the earths energies are much more supportive of knowing your love, ask yourself this simple question. "What would my love do now", in this circumstance I am, whether it is a "good" one or a "bad" one. for in love we learn there is only experience............and good or bad fade into just being the love that you are, all the time, in each and every moment........

Enjoy the love ride, enjoy the knowing ride, enjoy the experience of remembering your own unique connection, direct, all the way back to your aspect of God................

Friday, 11 April 2008

The "Why" question

We want you to know on earth, that we can see it is very hard for many people at present to be in their own loving flow.................... there are many challenges for them and for their friends........We all share in each others being, and we all want it to be better for others too.............because it makes it better for us too............

So how do we help others who appear to be suffering or struggling especially now, in their different ways.

We have to remember one VERY important truth in living life on earth

We choose all our experiences for our own personal reasons.

This is the answer to all that happens in life. But only you know why you chose it deep within you. Maybe we choose a very human experiences to help bring another aspect of our loving spirit through to balance it........... the harder the human challenge the greater the spirit energy needed to balance........Or maybe we want to explore spirit experiences to ground some aspect of spirit in our bodies.

Remember that to bring too much of your available spirit power into your physical frames in one go would make it impossible to live on earth. But as the AMBIENT SPIRIT LEVEL RISES, AS IT IS DOING NOW, SO THE SPIRIT WITHIN EACH PERSON can rise to the new average level very easily......

So many want more human experiences to activate new parts of their spirit.

To forgive is the hardest human challenge for is much easier now than it has been say 30 years ago, but many suffer at this simple and basic level of being. Many books have been written about the power of forgiveness.

This is the power of release from thoughts that do not feed the unforgiving person...........

When we truly let go of all experiences, whether good or bad, and learn "to be in the moment", so we are set free to enjoy all new experiences in the moment!

All experience is our choice......initially to free us from fear, and ultimately to experience joy..................

And in freeing ourselves from a special fear that is ours, so this loving energy goes into the whole, and feeds the whole, and makes the whole even more complete. This is our special contribution to the whole. Simply put, the learning that comes from freedom from fear sets both the individual AND the earth as a whole more free............

We choose the fears we wish to work through

Each fear released lets a little more of the sunshine, that is our spirit, through into our total being..............the more love we feel for EACH AND EVERY PERSON IN OUR LIFE, THE MORE LOVE WE EXPERIENCE IN OURSELVES.

The more (of our chosen) fears we release through experience, the more we set ourselves and the earth free.

So we choose our experiences, which means we choose to face our fears through experiences, and so we choose all that happens to allows us to release all our past (this life and past life) fears forever in this extraordinary time of planetary change that engulfs us all in 2008.............

Asking the question WHY is the way through it all.............................

Why is this happening, why have I chosen this, why am I in this situation.......for OUR OWN ANSWERS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT MATTER........................each person knows deep within the answer to the question "why?".

And the answer to why never leads to is never because you are bad, but because you want to release some aspect of fear (i.e. control, hate, anger, frustration etc.) and replace it with the freedom of love............this is the "why" you search for in all experience................

Every experience has a "why" behind it that will guide you to love and freedom from fear...............

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Moving into the now, little by little

In each moment it all is...................nothing that we can ever want is not here test yourself with yourself, and the all of you is also trying to engage the all of you on earth in all that is unfolding. You are engaged, and it is good for you to be going forward in this way.....................

There is nothing to do except to love and to support and to encourage and to be................for all that you could ever want to be is here with you now....................

Let us give you a new picture today, to add to the all that is coming through for you and for all.

Multidimensionality means that the connection you can have with anyone through love is empowered by your open heart. As you are all connected to each other in your deepest place in your heart, in your connection to God, so it is possible to be with anyone that you wish to be with............however and whenever you wish in your dream world, or even in your conscious world too...........

So be blessed, and know it is all in your own dream that everything exists................the feeling you had that the world was created just for you is true. It is all there for you to find your way through, and it is all yours to experience as the fully God centred part of you.

Knowing this to be increasingly true now allows you all sorts of loving challenges and opportunities to unfold...................and yes, ultimately everything becomes an opportunity for you each "to experience as love on earth".............if it pleases you it is good, if it hurts or exploits another it is not helpful to the whole by continuous choice, and if it is neither, it just is an experience, then this is good too........and then there is no good or bad, just choices we make in our knowing conscious loving mind that become knowing actions that are connected to our being.....

With no thought in the process - "knowing and being and acting become as one"..............this is the complete process you are exploring now, so enjoy it and be it dearest love in the now....................

However this process relies on you being connected to love, the love that is the wisdom of God connection within you.............and so it all is...................NOW!

So to make the connection, practice asking yourself, "as love, what am I doing now"..............................

If you do not feel love emerging from within you, then ask "what would love do now"..............

And then note your actions, give feedback to you, and know that this loving aspect of the centre of you is being activated by this process coming alive within you now.............

Enjoy the life of love that is yours now!

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Prayer is your great, great opportunity now. It always has been but now it is unlimited. All parts of the multiverse, the unimaginable universe are here with you now if you wish them to be, to enable "all that is", in your life.

It is the time for setting free each soul to be made real. This is all that you do here, for it is who you are the Soul expressed as your chosen form on earth contributing through love's expression to the growth of planet earth.

Put another way, you are God having fun!

All that you see as work can and will be whatever you choose it to be, as a bit of fun..............nothing more or less, but as you pray and work to enable the freedom of all souls, so the truth of life will be with you forever, creating with you, enabling what you choose with all to be made real.

All souls and spirits are ready for dreams to be realised now...................all have had sufficient of the life's pain experiences, and although there is a part of each person that has enjoyed the struggle, it is only on reflection.

In the moment of love it is not possible to have fear and pain as well. And the limited pleasure of the pain has always been the "pleasure of taking the mind off an even more painful self".

As well as the process of the "joy of the release from pain", which is the goal lying behind all self searches on planet earth.

All desires to control in the human world are not motivated by love, but by the desire to be free from fear and pain.....otherwise we would feel NO compulsion to control our fellow human beings who are also part of us........

This is the beginnings of learning to love yourself, and so your fellow men and women.

This is the way of it all.........................for when love is not able to be at the centre of every life choice, then the only other choice is fear and pain................................

This is the simplicity of life that you understand. All else is peripheral, and it is your prayers with all of us who know and understand these truths that will enable all the change to take place......and so it is!

Remember you pray every time you think of something that might happen (whether you want it to or not). Be conscious, and only think through the eyes and heart of love. Check all thoughts against "what love would do".

Love is free to be used by you now, it is your greatest gift to you and to the "all of you". Which is everyone you meet!

Be blessed, for you are....................

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Pray pray pray - love love love!

The whole world is awoken to the need to ensure opportunity for all...............this is the great goal of life now............but the true issue is that all life is here now...............

So we bless you on your journey and we tell you that we are here as part of you for every single bit of it...............there is nothing that cannot be done now....................

So even though your journey is very blessed we say this to you..............pray, pray and pray from THE LOVE THAT YOU SEEK TO CONNECT WITH INSIDE YOU. Choose anyone now to pray for, for this is the time to experiment with the new powers of prayer that you have connected with now.

We remind you that this is the joy of the place of being that this new world is going to be placed in now. Imagine heavens energies on earth if you will for a while..............there is nothing that you can do in heaven that you cannot do here now, for as the veil is lifted so all possibilities come to you.................

For now you can choose to see only through the eyes of love. It is no longer a painful thing to do!
And what is clear is the desire for "all to have equal opportunity in the world, equal choices that enable each to realise their own inner guided potential"........for each person is a very special aspect of God.............however you see your God to be, for it is a part of who you are.........
This is incredibly exciting now, and leaves a world full of choices for everyone to explore................and as guided potential within each is connected with, so the overall guidance will connect the two or three inner guided people to pray for extraodinary change everywhere and enable it to happen very quickly (in time) now.

For when it is thought, and it is of love, it is done.

So all you need to know is "what is of love?".

We tell you that within you is this answer.............
Love can only be found for spreading from within. This inner guidance is us whispering to you...........we whisper and help you remember that love is the only power you need, and it is all around you when you ask us to bring you love to surround you with more power. Ask, listen and pray..................

Ask for love, listen to who or what we guide you to, and then ask us to is immediate now..........there is no limitation to any of this.......none at all.................

Pray, pray and pray with love love love.....................and feel the power of all of this!

For we remind you again, in love, all that you ever set out to done..............

Saturday, 16 February 2008

The power of prayer, AND ITS ROLE IN THE NEW EARTH

Love activates prayer and prayer can move mountains. Love of self and love of all. As Jesus explained, the answer to everything, is "to love your neighbour as yourself".

This is the love that emerges from the knowing that we are all part of God, and as such we are each special, unique aspects of God. As aspects of God we have the potential power of God's love available to each and every one of us.

We release this power by being in the presence of love. Others love of us, and our love of our self.

And as much as we can love others so we love ourselves. And as much we can love ourselves, so we can love others.

And when we love ourselves, we see that we are "a unique aspect of God", with special, individual and unique attributes to use to support, encourage and enable all others who come into our world to see that they too are "special, unique aspect of god with extraodinary potential powers".

All the power that prayer has is activated by love. Nothing else!

Each persons Individual powers cannot be fully realised without love of self and all others, ultimately without any exceptions. This is the challenge of prayers power.

Because of this, every person has special powers that can make a unique contribution to the development, creation, and spreading, of love across the planet.

All of us are spirit aspects of our soul in a human body. We are spirits "in-formed", or form "in-spired". And each spirit is an aspect of a greater soul. All souls make up the whole that is God.

We are connected through our spirit to our higher Godself all the time. Realising this connection sets us free on planet earth to create many loving new creations.

Our connection to our higher self or godself is what we activate with prayer.

Prayer is simply asking on behalf of any individual for something that is for the good of all, including the special individual.

The most powerful prayer is for others we know.

The next most powerful prayer is for those we don't know but are aware of.

Finally to pray for those who don't know and are not aware of, but we know are there is powerful too.

Prayer opens doors that allows a powerful loving energy to encompass and surround those who we pray for, offered at the level of their need for love. The effect of this prayer-power allows them to have more positive thoughts and create more positive (loving) actions, which are more connected to their higher self, and therefore to the whole. These thoughts and actions are therefore for the good of the self and the whole...........

Prayer is the most powerful force on the planet, and it is all that is needed to achieve anything. Know what you can envision, for the good of you and the good of all, and ask for it.

For it is your Souls greatest desire to create it with you on earth.

Anything that is not of love is not a prayer, but a human request, which can still be created by humans, but which will not be supported by spirit or take on an eternal life.

Anything that is created of love is eternally created and never dies. It is always available as a creative idea to all who work with love, which is Every Soul.................

Anyone who works with love can tune into any other person or idea that is of love. It is simply a question of asking and then allowing the higher selves, the Soul aspects to take over and create all that is needed.

To achieve anything in this new world, or new earth, know you are connected to all that you can feel love for. The more you can love the more you can be and create. If you can see God in all, and love them for this, then you are unmlimited in your creations.

Feel the love of the Creator for His/Her creation. Know you are also this love and know that as you enable/support/help your creation to optimise its potential (through others in your life), so the same happens to you too to an even greater degree...............

Relax into your prayer.

There is nothing "you need to do" or "have to do". All you are here to do is to create joy, in the creating, and in the receiving and giving of your creations.

Every thought is potentially the most loving creation. Offer it to the whole, to your guides, to your angels, to your God, to help you achieve it.

Let us take someone called Susan as an example. Simply know that "Will you help Susan be happy and find her unique god given gifts within" is a powerful prayer of love (and good health) for the good of Susan AND THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE. For Susan's gifts are always for the good of the whole as the special aspect of God Susan is.

And as Susan feels loving thoughts in her mind (from the prayer's energy), she will act from a greater love than she has up to this point in time. And she will be acting in a way that spreads more love than she did before. Simply because of your prayer.

And then her love energy will activate those she is with and THEY TOO WILL FEEL MORE LOVING IN THEIR ACTIONS. She might even pray for her friends and so spread the energy of love more powerfully than ever before.

Prayer that has power is always full of love, (as much love as you can find within you, for the person you pray for).

Prayer for another is the most powerful, but prayer for yourself is wonderful too if it is aimed at realising your chosen potential in being here at this time on earth.

Ultimately the most powerful prayer is for others, but when it is done with love it brings nothing but more love into your life.

Love has the greatest power when it does not confine itself in any way, when it seeks not to change or control, but simply to release potential love within the other. Then the loved person will find their own special way to solve the problems in their life.

Love's prayer creates environments around people that enables them to realise and release their sense of the past, and embrace the possibilities of now, and so create a new future.

Each day you pray for another, watch them feel their own empowerment in the things that they do. They will set themselves and others free. You need do nothing else except pray for them. Do not tell them for it diminishes the power for them and for you. And do not be concerned to pray for them without asking them, for love is always present and always offered freely for love can never hurt another.

For love IS the all that created all we see.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008



Increasingly, no one is content to be controlled any more and there are many "resistances" locally and nationally as peoples seek their freedom of expression. All are feeling drawn to setting themselves free to be the whole of who they are..............

It is the belief systems, that have been created along this road of discovering our oneness and enabling our joy to be expressed in our freedom, that has created so much to be let go of in the old world that will no longer serve in the new world. In so many ways people are striking out for their freedom, in their minds, jobs, relationships, societies, tribes, countries etc......

It is now 20 years since the last "claiming individual freedom" revolution and 40 years since the first, and this is the same type of energy again, but coming from a much deeper place of being.............for the DNA has CHANGED siginificantly now to enable very new and very real higher feelings to be embraced in everyone, according to the freedom they are presently seeking in their life.

Freedom to express is what each aspect of God calls out for and needs, and is determined to have. It is no longer appropriate or possible for other aspects of God to deny this, for the wisdom is now here that experiencing "love expressed" brings...................

As love is expressed across the planet now the DNA is activated in each and every person that experiences love, and it is for everyone to do their very best in the world in which they live to express even more love and support for everyone they are connected with and to.

Each person has their own world to love and change, and so the larger world changes.

It is for those who have chosen to live this life with money to use the influence and control they have in the most appropriate ways they can. The call has gone out and it is time for it to be answered everywhere by everyone all over the planet, in the best way they can..............

This is the arrow shooting into the air that signals the new start!

The call has gone out to every soul now....change is yours to make in the way that feels best to your heart................what are you trying to achieve?

Freedom of expression and opportunity for all everywhere, starting with your own family, your neighbours, those you work with, your town, your society....all are a part of everything now, and all can feel the rumblings of strange feeling energies in them now...........

This is the John energy that says something new and exciting is here.......................

This is the opening the doors energy..................

And we remind you that prayer is what will create all of this easily...........................prayer is the way forward now............prayer answers all the questions.....

When you give yourself to loving prayer for the good of self and all, then the activation of the DNA becomes instant in all that you pray for, both individually and collectively, for your prayer is what we support and answer.

We say this very loudly for you

YOUR PRAYER, WITH LOVE, IS WHAT WE ANSWER AND MAKE REAL ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE NOW. The veil that was time is being lifted and actions and reactions are becoming as one.

This is the DNA connection...........................Do Nothing Against anyone.........................Do Nice things for All..........this is DNA...............the soul awakening in the human body and knowing it is completely free to be as it wishes to be.............

So now we ask you to pray with us, for this is how prayer works. When you pray for all and each individual that you know, we activate their DNA and they will naturally be attracted to you as the one that prays for them, and they will naturally support and help you and all others who come into their field of vision and activity.................

The power of prayer, which some have been exploring for many many years in anticipation of this DNA activation time is now ready to be activated, anywhere and everywhere..................

And so it is now................

Friday, 11 January 2008

Your creative power is stronger

Remember that your creative powers are much stronger now. Part of the education process you have all been engaged in IS THE PROCESS OF LEARNING HOW YOU CREATE.

You create with your thoughts..............your thoughts are blessings, made conscious by using the idea of "prayer" or "building a vision", or even "casting a spell".

However, all thoughts that are of you are your creative powers working in a particular direction.

When you are thinking unconsciously, and you are not in touch with your true self, then your thoughts become very mixed and cancel each other. "I hate him right now, but I love him really" doesn't achieve anything except a cancelling out of your own energy of creation through thought.

It is a very human way of being.

The point about the 2008 energy is that the ability to create in a timeless way is much more powerful.

What this means is that the sticky mud that is time, that stands between the thought, and the subsequent action or effect, is much reduced now. Time is not the protection it was between your thoughts and their effects.

This is both a pleasant and unpleasant thing for all people, dependent solely on your thoughts. With conscious targeted thought, that is connected to the good of all and for the good of you, it is not possible to fail now.

Just thought will do it, as long as it is "integrated with who you are" thought.

For the actions that naturally support the thought will follow almost immediately in the timeless flow of creation.

Once you have set up the environment, which is the process of clear thought (or blessing or prayer), then all will follow.

This means that being conscious with your thoughts is going to be the most significant thing you can do this year (and forever going forward), as a human being......................

In effect when you are conscious you become "a spirit in a human form", and when you get to see yourself in these clothes, then you will find that there is much, much more that can be easily achieved...............

One of the strange feelings you will have this year is of having upset people.

People that you know will all be changing gear, changing who they are this year, and will be (consciously or unconsciously) learning new ways of being. As they change they no longer know who they are, and may often seem remote and distant in comparison to how they have been.

Simply know they are all becoming butterflies now, and the casting off of the old caterpillar skin is part of their change.

"Who they were" is no longer "who they are".............. except in their deepest self, which is now emerging in all its glory. And in this emergence, the "letting go of what was" can seem to be a little painful or difficult, or upsetting or challenging...................

And as they are changing so are you. Imagine what it will feel like for everyone to be letting go of an old safe self and inviting in a new loving self that sees the good in all things more clearly. Maybe these refreshed souls will look at you now and see you as "all talk and no action".

Whereas in the past they saw you as wise and wonderful!

For as each person changes they will see each person in their life in a new light, and initially they may be very confused or upset by what they see and hear. Where they may have seen you as wonderful, they may now see through you (as all talk and no action)..............

And for every single person, learning how to "walk their talk" will be the fundamental change that will be really taking place this year.

The emerging spirit within, connecting with every other spirit being everywhere, wants and needs to be heard. Spirit wants to "walk their talk" through each person now. It is this time of change for everyone everywhere. It is in the natural cycle of things for seeds to flower, and each spirit soul that remains here on earth will begin to fully flower in the next 4-5 years.

So if all your thoughts become your creations, then every thought you have is vital and crucial for you to be aware of and to understand as you.

"Watch yourself in action" is what Buddha taught, with these times very much in his mind. He knew we would reach this point of seeing more clearly, and would need to know how to deal with all the changes that are everywhere.

Watch your spirit trying to come through you now. Watch the human you trying to deny aspects of you that you can feel within. Know your truth, however strange, weird, unusual it may seem or be to others, and allow yourself to express it, at least to you.

Acknowledge all your feelings, do not try to change them, but try to understand how and why they might be connected to you expressing love on the planet. For all spirit truths that are within us will do this. Let no thought go without trying to see where its connection to love might be.

And know that when you think with your true love engaged, the essence that is you, then you will create successfully in this world without fail from that place. It is why you are here, and it is how you are best supported by the world. Know this is true. Watch yourself in action and become totally aware of you................................


And so it is.....................

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Welcome to 2008!

Welcome to 2008. Here you are, at the start of another fascinating period in human time. In universal time it is a very special period, because it is a time when you are universally becoming more aware of your connections to many dimensions, peoples, and types and ways of living as a spirit in physical form........

As you do this, the many human things you do will be influenced in many ways, as the spirit of the God Source that you each are will be more relevant and prevalent in all your "being human"..........

Life will feel very different for everyone, as each will say with clarity, whoever they are, "I am me, this is who I am here in this moment, and I invite the all of me to become at one with me now".

In this conscious and unconscious statement all will change in your world and across the planet.

Whether individuals know it, believe it or experience it, it will be the reality of their life. Those who wish to experience this feeling in heaven will do so and leave now, others will wish to stay here, for it is why they came, and others will experience it in other dimensions as yet uncharted in their conscious awareness.

It is a new seed of being that you have been allowing to take root within you all.

Your constant awareness of "the need to allow the real you to emerge", which has been growing in strength since the
1940's in your human awareness, and since all time in your historical awareness, is now at its most powerful in time.

And in this time of 2008 you will feel time itself begin to fade in your awareness, as timelessness will take hold in so many aspects of your being. All things will become increasingly possible in all moments, and the choice to be and live as you are within in each moment will increase in its power and potential in all peoples everywhere.

It IS an extraordinary flowering of the human spirit on earth, that you have longed to see in this game of life you have created here. It makes it an extraordinary time to be here, one that you have all queued up on this side to join in with. Becoming human was not the most enjoyable of processes in earlier times, for you inevitably got caught in the humanity trap of not knowing who you are, and in this place of "lostness" life has been very painful in a human way only.

But now it is the place to be. To slip into time for a while, and let go of the all of you (the whole of you connected to the God aspect that you are, that ultimately allows you to experience God in you).

This is the joy you came for - to experience getting to know the all of you. For it is only when you step outside of you that you can know the all of you, the God that is you. And you have created this heavenly planet just to do this. To enjoy the feeling of getting to know the all of you.................

And here it 2008 unfolds on your chosen course to reawakening by 2012 you will come to see the "God You" in everyone and everything. This will "blow your mind", for you will see and experience the beauty of Gods power manifest in everyone and everything more and more as the year unfolds.

The new seed that is sown in all this year is inevitable now. Before now there were those who said "this is what is possible, what is coming, who you can be, who you are".

Now we will say "I see you God in there, I feel you, I know you, and you are me."

Can you begin to know how this will feel with everyone you meet?

Enjoy the self discovery of you, dear God, in all!

And so it is...............