Friday, 11 January 2008

Your creative power is stronger

Remember that your creative powers are much stronger now. Part of the education process you have all been engaged in IS THE PROCESS OF LEARNING HOW YOU CREATE.

You create with your thoughts..............your thoughts are blessings, made conscious by using the idea of "prayer" or "building a vision", or even "casting a spell".

However, all thoughts that are of you are your creative powers working in a particular direction.

When you are thinking unconsciously, and you are not in touch with your true self, then your thoughts become very mixed and cancel each other. "I hate him right now, but I love him really" doesn't achieve anything except a cancelling out of your own energy of creation through thought.

It is a very human way of being.

The point about the 2008 energy is that the ability to create in a timeless way is much more powerful.

What this means is that the sticky mud that is time, that stands between the thought, and the subsequent action or effect, is much reduced now. Time is not the protection it was between your thoughts and their effects.

This is both a pleasant and unpleasant thing for all people, dependent solely on your thoughts. With conscious targeted thought, that is connected to the good of all and for the good of you, it is not possible to fail now.

Just thought will do it, as long as it is "integrated with who you are" thought.

For the actions that naturally support the thought will follow almost immediately in the timeless flow of creation.

Once you have set up the environment, which is the process of clear thought (or blessing or prayer), then all will follow.

This means that being conscious with your thoughts is going to be the most significant thing you can do this year (and forever going forward), as a human being......................

In effect when you are conscious you become "a spirit in a human form", and when you get to see yourself in these clothes, then you will find that there is much, much more that can be easily achieved...............

One of the strange feelings you will have this year is of having upset people.

People that you know will all be changing gear, changing who they are this year, and will be (consciously or unconsciously) learning new ways of being. As they change they no longer know who they are, and may often seem remote and distant in comparison to how they have been.

Simply know they are all becoming butterflies now, and the casting off of the old caterpillar skin is part of their change.

"Who they were" is no longer "who they are".............. except in their deepest self, which is now emerging in all its glory. And in this emergence, the "letting go of what was" can seem to be a little painful or difficult, or upsetting or challenging...................

And as they are changing so are you. Imagine what it will feel like for everyone to be letting go of an old safe self and inviting in a new loving self that sees the good in all things more clearly. Maybe these refreshed souls will look at you now and see you as "all talk and no action".

Whereas in the past they saw you as wise and wonderful!

For as each person changes they will see each person in their life in a new light, and initially they may be very confused or upset by what they see and hear. Where they may have seen you as wonderful, they may now see through you (as all talk and no action)..............

And for every single person, learning how to "walk their talk" will be the fundamental change that will be really taking place this year.

The emerging spirit within, connecting with every other spirit being everywhere, wants and needs to be heard. Spirit wants to "walk their talk" through each person now. It is this time of change for everyone everywhere. It is in the natural cycle of things for seeds to flower, and each spirit soul that remains here on earth will begin to fully flower in the next 4-5 years.

So if all your thoughts become your creations, then every thought you have is vital and crucial for you to be aware of and to understand as you.

"Watch yourself in action" is what Buddha taught, with these times very much in his mind. He knew we would reach this point of seeing more clearly, and would need to know how to deal with all the changes that are everywhere.

Watch your spirit trying to come through you now. Watch the human you trying to deny aspects of you that you can feel within. Know your truth, however strange, weird, unusual it may seem or be to others, and allow yourself to express it, at least to you.

Acknowledge all your feelings, do not try to change them, but try to understand how and why they might be connected to you expressing love on the planet. For all spirit truths that are within us will do this. Let no thought go without trying to see where its connection to love might be.

And know that when you think with your true love engaged, the essence that is you, then you will create successfully in this world without fail from that place. It is why you are here, and it is how you are best supported by the world. Know this is true. Watch yourself in action and become totally aware of you................................


And so it is.....................

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Welcome to 2008!

Welcome to 2008. Here you are, at the start of another fascinating period in human time. In universal time it is a very special period, because it is a time when you are universally becoming more aware of your connections to many dimensions, peoples, and types and ways of living as a spirit in physical form........

As you do this, the many human things you do will be influenced in many ways, as the spirit of the God Source that you each are will be more relevant and prevalent in all your "being human"..........

Life will feel very different for everyone, as each will say with clarity, whoever they are, "I am me, this is who I am here in this moment, and I invite the all of me to become at one with me now".

In this conscious and unconscious statement all will change in your world and across the planet.

Whether individuals know it, believe it or experience it, it will be the reality of their life. Those who wish to experience this feeling in heaven will do so and leave now, others will wish to stay here, for it is why they came, and others will experience it in other dimensions as yet uncharted in their conscious awareness.

It is a new seed of being that you have been allowing to take root within you all.

Your constant awareness of "the need to allow the real you to emerge", which has been growing in strength since the
1940's in your human awareness, and since all time in your historical awareness, is now at its most powerful in time.

And in this time of 2008 you will feel time itself begin to fade in your awareness, as timelessness will take hold in so many aspects of your being. All things will become increasingly possible in all moments, and the choice to be and live as you are within in each moment will increase in its power and potential in all peoples everywhere.

It IS an extraordinary flowering of the human spirit on earth, that you have longed to see in this game of life you have created here. It makes it an extraordinary time to be here, one that you have all queued up on this side to join in with. Becoming human was not the most enjoyable of processes in earlier times, for you inevitably got caught in the humanity trap of not knowing who you are, and in this place of "lostness" life has been very painful in a human way only.

But now it is the place to be. To slip into time for a while, and let go of the all of you (the whole of you connected to the God aspect that you are, that ultimately allows you to experience God in you).

This is the joy you came for - to experience getting to know the all of you. For it is only when you step outside of you that you can know the all of you, the God that is you. And you have created this heavenly planet just to do this. To enjoy the feeling of getting to know the all of you.................

And here it 2008 unfolds on your chosen course to reawakening by 2012 you will come to see the "God You" in everyone and everything. This will "blow your mind", for you will see and experience the beauty of Gods power manifest in everyone and everything more and more as the year unfolds.

The new seed that is sown in all this year is inevitable now. Before now there were those who said "this is what is possible, what is coming, who you can be, who you are".

Now we will say "I see you God in there, I feel you, I know you, and you are me."

Can you begin to know how this will feel with everyone you meet?

Enjoy the self discovery of you, dear God, in all!

And so it is...............