Thursday, 28 February 2008

Pray pray pray - love love love!

The whole world is awoken to the need to ensure opportunity for all...............this is the great goal of life now............but the true issue is that all life is here now...............

So we bless you on your journey and we tell you that we are here as part of you for every single bit of it...............there is nothing that cannot be done now....................

So even though your journey is very blessed we say this to you..............pray, pray and pray from THE LOVE THAT YOU SEEK TO CONNECT WITH INSIDE YOU. Choose anyone now to pray for, for this is the time to experiment with the new powers of prayer that you have connected with now.

We remind you that this is the joy of the place of being that this new world is going to be placed in now. Imagine heavens energies on earth if you will for a while..............there is nothing that you can do in heaven that you cannot do here now, for as the veil is lifted so all possibilities come to you.................

For now you can choose to see only through the eyes of love. It is no longer a painful thing to do!
And what is clear is the desire for "all to have equal opportunity in the world, equal choices that enable each to realise their own inner guided potential"........for each person is a very special aspect of God.............however you see your God to be, for it is a part of who you are.........
This is incredibly exciting now, and leaves a world full of choices for everyone to explore................and as guided potential within each is connected with, so the overall guidance will connect the two or three inner guided people to pray for extraodinary change everywhere and enable it to happen very quickly (in time) now.

For when it is thought, and it is of love, it is done.

So all you need to know is "what is of love?".

We tell you that within you is this answer.............
Love can only be found for spreading from within. This inner guidance is us whispering to you...........we whisper and help you remember that love is the only power you need, and it is all around you when you ask us to bring you love to surround you with more power. Ask, listen and pray..................

Ask for love, listen to who or what we guide you to, and then ask us to is immediate now..........there is no limitation to any of this.......none at all.................

Pray, pray and pray with love love love.....................and feel the power of all of this!

For we remind you again, in love, all that you ever set out to done..............

Saturday, 16 February 2008

The power of prayer, AND ITS ROLE IN THE NEW EARTH

Love activates prayer and prayer can move mountains. Love of self and love of all. As Jesus explained, the answer to everything, is "to love your neighbour as yourself".

This is the love that emerges from the knowing that we are all part of God, and as such we are each special, unique aspects of God. As aspects of God we have the potential power of God's love available to each and every one of us.

We release this power by being in the presence of love. Others love of us, and our love of our self.

And as much as we can love others so we love ourselves. And as much we can love ourselves, so we can love others.

And when we love ourselves, we see that we are "a unique aspect of God", with special, individual and unique attributes to use to support, encourage and enable all others who come into our world to see that they too are "special, unique aspect of god with extraodinary potential powers".

All the power that prayer has is activated by love. Nothing else!

Each persons Individual powers cannot be fully realised without love of self and all others, ultimately without any exceptions. This is the challenge of prayers power.

Because of this, every person has special powers that can make a unique contribution to the development, creation, and spreading, of love across the planet.

All of us are spirit aspects of our soul in a human body. We are spirits "in-formed", or form "in-spired". And each spirit is an aspect of a greater soul. All souls make up the whole that is God.

We are connected through our spirit to our higher Godself all the time. Realising this connection sets us free on planet earth to create many loving new creations.

Our connection to our higher self or godself is what we activate with prayer.

Prayer is simply asking on behalf of any individual for something that is for the good of all, including the special individual.

The most powerful prayer is for others we know.

The next most powerful prayer is for those we don't know but are aware of.

Finally to pray for those who don't know and are not aware of, but we know are there is powerful too.

Prayer opens doors that allows a powerful loving energy to encompass and surround those who we pray for, offered at the level of their need for love. The effect of this prayer-power allows them to have more positive thoughts and create more positive (loving) actions, which are more connected to their higher self, and therefore to the whole. These thoughts and actions are therefore for the good of the self and the whole...........

Prayer is the most powerful force on the planet, and it is all that is needed to achieve anything. Know what you can envision, for the good of you and the good of all, and ask for it.

For it is your Souls greatest desire to create it with you on earth.

Anything that is not of love is not a prayer, but a human request, which can still be created by humans, but which will not be supported by spirit or take on an eternal life.

Anything that is created of love is eternally created and never dies. It is always available as a creative idea to all who work with love, which is Every Soul.................

Anyone who works with love can tune into any other person or idea that is of love. It is simply a question of asking and then allowing the higher selves, the Soul aspects to take over and create all that is needed.

To achieve anything in this new world, or new earth, know you are connected to all that you can feel love for. The more you can love the more you can be and create. If you can see God in all, and love them for this, then you are unmlimited in your creations.

Feel the love of the Creator for His/Her creation. Know you are also this love and know that as you enable/support/help your creation to optimise its potential (through others in your life), so the same happens to you too to an even greater degree...............

Relax into your prayer.

There is nothing "you need to do" or "have to do". All you are here to do is to create joy, in the creating, and in the receiving and giving of your creations.

Every thought is potentially the most loving creation. Offer it to the whole, to your guides, to your angels, to your God, to help you achieve it.

Let us take someone called Susan as an example. Simply know that "Will you help Susan be happy and find her unique god given gifts within" is a powerful prayer of love (and good health) for the good of Susan AND THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE. For Susan's gifts are always for the good of the whole as the special aspect of God Susan is.

And as Susan feels loving thoughts in her mind (from the prayer's energy), she will act from a greater love than she has up to this point in time. And she will be acting in a way that spreads more love than she did before. Simply because of your prayer.

And then her love energy will activate those she is with and THEY TOO WILL FEEL MORE LOVING IN THEIR ACTIONS. She might even pray for her friends and so spread the energy of love more powerfully than ever before.

Prayer that has power is always full of love, (as much love as you can find within you, for the person you pray for).

Prayer for another is the most powerful, but prayer for yourself is wonderful too if it is aimed at realising your chosen potential in being here at this time on earth.

Ultimately the most powerful prayer is for others, but when it is done with love it brings nothing but more love into your life.

Love has the greatest power when it does not confine itself in any way, when it seeks not to change or control, but simply to release potential love within the other. Then the loved person will find their own special way to solve the problems in their life.

Love's prayer creates environments around people that enables them to realise and release their sense of the past, and embrace the possibilities of now, and so create a new future.

Each day you pray for another, watch them feel their own empowerment in the things that they do. They will set themselves and others free. You need do nothing else except pray for them. Do not tell them for it diminishes the power for them and for you. And do not be concerned to pray for them without asking them, for love is always present and always offered freely for love can never hurt another.

For love IS the all that created all we see.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008



Increasingly, no one is content to be controlled any more and there are many "resistances" locally and nationally as peoples seek their freedom of expression. All are feeling drawn to setting themselves free to be the whole of who they are..............

It is the belief systems, that have been created along this road of discovering our oneness and enabling our joy to be expressed in our freedom, that has created so much to be let go of in the old world that will no longer serve in the new world. In so many ways people are striking out for their freedom, in their minds, jobs, relationships, societies, tribes, countries etc......

It is now 20 years since the last "claiming individual freedom" revolution and 40 years since the first, and this is the same type of energy again, but coming from a much deeper place of being.............for the DNA has CHANGED siginificantly now to enable very new and very real higher feelings to be embraced in everyone, according to the freedom they are presently seeking in their life.

Freedom to express is what each aspect of God calls out for and needs, and is determined to have. It is no longer appropriate or possible for other aspects of God to deny this, for the wisdom is now here that experiencing "love expressed" brings...................

As love is expressed across the planet now the DNA is activated in each and every person that experiences love, and it is for everyone to do their very best in the world in which they live to express even more love and support for everyone they are connected with and to.

Each person has their own world to love and change, and so the larger world changes.

It is for those who have chosen to live this life with money to use the influence and control they have in the most appropriate ways they can. The call has gone out and it is time for it to be answered everywhere by everyone all over the planet, in the best way they can..............

This is the arrow shooting into the air that signals the new start!

The call has gone out to every soul now....change is yours to make in the way that feels best to your heart................what are you trying to achieve?

Freedom of expression and opportunity for all everywhere, starting with your own family, your neighbours, those you work with, your town, your society....all are a part of everything now, and all can feel the rumblings of strange feeling energies in them now...........

This is the John energy that says something new and exciting is here.......................

This is the opening the doors energy..................

And we remind you that prayer is what will create all of this easily...........................prayer is the way forward now............prayer answers all the questions.....

When you give yourself to loving prayer for the good of self and all, then the activation of the DNA becomes instant in all that you pray for, both individually and collectively, for your prayer is what we support and answer.

We say this very loudly for you

YOUR PRAYER, WITH LOVE, IS WHAT WE ANSWER AND MAKE REAL ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE NOW. The veil that was time is being lifted and actions and reactions are becoming as one.

This is the DNA connection...........................Do Nothing Against anyone.........................Do Nice things for All..........this is DNA...............the soul awakening in the human body and knowing it is completely free to be as it wishes to be.............

So now we ask you to pray with us, for this is how prayer works. When you pray for all and each individual that you know, we activate their DNA and they will naturally be attracted to you as the one that prays for them, and they will naturally support and help you and all others who come into their field of vision and activity.................

The power of prayer, which some have been exploring for many many years in anticipation of this DNA activation time is now ready to be activated, anywhere and everywhere..................

And so it is now................