Friday, 25 April 2008

Separation from love - to be or not to be?

All is well on heaven and on earth. All is well for you and for everyone that sees that separation from love is "who they are not"..................

You, on earth, act either "separate from love" or "connected to love". There is nothing else..............

This is all you have to understand. Of course the choice to separate is not necessarily made consciously, especially because so much of being a child is about learning how to deal with others who have already forgotten the love that they are part of.............

You are never separate from love - it is always there for you to ask have simply forgotten it is there, or do not know how to bring it into your life......

In every moment of every day, you can be joined with love, with the love that you actually are within. For this is the wisdom you seek in your life to enable you to get the most joy and pleasure from being here.................remembering your love allows you to access all the wisdom you need to make all the choices that life brings to you........and as you remember who you are, the love that you are, so there are no choices to make, for the only choice there ever is, is between being separate from the love you are, that made you and is you, and being this love in this moment..........

As you become this love, so time ceases to exist, you become all that you are, this unique individual sprit that has chosen to come here on this part of their everlasting journey.......................and as you become more aware of you, you will also know that part of you that is on other journeys other dimensions, other planets, are places of being, other time are an extraordinary being in the remembering.......................

You may have chosen to forget certain parts of you to detune you enough to be here, but we say to you now, that the you that you can experience now can be as complete a you as you wish it to be. Cross the bridge to your own love by asking in each and every moment you can remember "What would love do now?", and as you become more conscious of love, you will then begin to say "And what would MY love do now?".

For your love is unique to you, and this is what makes it all so special..................for you, and for the world you live in, and the world at large................
When you open the door into the love that you are, you revive your connection with God, however you have chosen to see him in your life..............the more love you invite in, the more of your connection with that part of God that activates you, you bring alive..................

Remembering the love that you are means that you don't understand love any more, because when you become love you know love. This opens the doors into your own knowing. Knowing means that your life becomes timeless, for when you know, it is an "in the moment" experience, and when you live in the moment, then "you are love, expressed on this planet, as you"!

So now that the earths energies are much more supportive of knowing your love, ask yourself this simple question. "What would my love do now", in this circumstance I am, whether it is a "good" one or a "bad" one. for in love we learn there is only experience............and good or bad fade into just being the love that you are, all the time, in each and every moment........

Enjoy the love ride, enjoy the knowing ride, enjoy the experience of remembering your own unique connection, direct, all the way back to your aspect of God................

Friday, 11 April 2008

The "Why" question

We want you to know on earth, that we can see it is very hard for many people at present to be in their own loving flow.................... there are many challenges for them and for their friends........We all share in each others being, and we all want it to be better for others too.............because it makes it better for us too............

So how do we help others who appear to be suffering or struggling especially now, in their different ways.

We have to remember one VERY important truth in living life on earth

We choose all our experiences for our own personal reasons.

This is the answer to all that happens in life. But only you know why you chose it deep within you. Maybe we choose a very human experiences to help bring another aspect of our loving spirit through to balance it........... the harder the human challenge the greater the spirit energy needed to balance........Or maybe we want to explore spirit experiences to ground some aspect of spirit in our bodies.

Remember that to bring too much of your available spirit power into your physical frames in one go would make it impossible to live on earth. But as the AMBIENT SPIRIT LEVEL RISES, AS IT IS DOING NOW, SO THE SPIRIT WITHIN EACH PERSON can rise to the new average level very easily......

So many want more human experiences to activate new parts of their spirit.

To forgive is the hardest human challenge for is much easier now than it has been say 30 years ago, but many suffer at this simple and basic level of being. Many books have been written about the power of forgiveness.

This is the power of release from thoughts that do not feed the unforgiving person...........

When we truly let go of all experiences, whether good or bad, and learn "to be in the moment", so we are set free to enjoy all new experiences in the moment!

All experience is our choice......initially to free us from fear, and ultimately to experience joy..................

And in freeing ourselves from a special fear that is ours, so this loving energy goes into the whole, and feeds the whole, and makes the whole even more complete. This is our special contribution to the whole. Simply put, the learning that comes from freedom from fear sets both the individual AND the earth as a whole more free............

We choose the fears we wish to work through

Each fear released lets a little more of the sunshine, that is our spirit, through into our total being..............the more love we feel for EACH AND EVERY PERSON IN OUR LIFE, THE MORE LOVE WE EXPERIENCE IN OURSELVES.

The more (of our chosen) fears we release through experience, the more we set ourselves and the earth free.

So we choose our experiences, which means we choose to face our fears through experiences, and so we choose all that happens to allows us to release all our past (this life and past life) fears forever in this extraordinary time of planetary change that engulfs us all in 2008.............

Asking the question WHY is the way through it all.............................

Why is this happening, why have I chosen this, why am I in this situation.......for OUR OWN ANSWERS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT MATTER........................each person knows deep within the answer to the question "why?".

And the answer to why never leads to is never because you are bad, but because you want to release some aspect of fear (i.e. control, hate, anger, frustration etc.) and replace it with the freedom of love............this is the "why" you search for in all experience................

Every experience has a "why" behind it that will guide you to love and freedom from fear...............

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Moving into the now, little by little

In each moment it all is...................nothing that we can ever want is not here test yourself with yourself, and the all of you is also trying to engage the all of you on earth in all that is unfolding. You are engaged, and it is good for you to be going forward in this way.....................

There is nothing to do except to love and to support and to encourage and to be................for all that you could ever want to be is here with you now....................

Let us give you a new picture today, to add to the all that is coming through for you and for all.

Multidimensionality means that the connection you can have with anyone through love is empowered by your open heart. As you are all connected to each other in your deepest place in your heart, in your connection to God, so it is possible to be with anyone that you wish to be with............however and whenever you wish in your dream world, or even in your conscious world too...........

So be blessed, and know it is all in your own dream that everything exists................the feeling you had that the world was created just for you is true. It is all there for you to find your way through, and it is all yours to experience as the fully God centred part of you.

Knowing this to be increasingly true now allows you all sorts of loving challenges and opportunities to unfold...................and yes, ultimately everything becomes an opportunity for you each "to experience as love on earth".............if it pleases you it is good, if it hurts or exploits another it is not helpful to the whole by continuous choice, and if it is neither, it just is an experience, then this is good too........and then there is no good or bad, just choices we make in our knowing conscious loving mind that become knowing actions that are connected to our being.....

With no thought in the process - "knowing and being and acting become as one"..............this is the complete process you are exploring now, so enjoy it and be it dearest love in the now....................

However this process relies on you being connected to love, the love that is the wisdom of God connection within you.............and so it all is...................NOW!

So to make the connection, practice asking yourself, "as love, what am I doing now"..............................

If you do not feel love emerging from within you, then ask "what would love do now"..............

And then note your actions, give feedback to you, and know that this loving aspect of the centre of you is being activated by this process coming alive within you now.............

Enjoy the life of love that is yours now!