We know you have been struggling, but know that it is the same for everyone. It is good you struggle too, for it is a testing of your personal integrity, chosen by you. And it is all for your benefit, to see how true the flow of love is able to be to you........for as love flows, so life changes and is never ever able to be stuck again................
Your prayer has allowed us to minimise the pain, but you could see how easy it has been for people to lose their way with each other...............what this intense change period has shown each person is their abiity to heal, to forgive and to understand and let go of their own weakenesses that harm others............
Balance in all things, seeing both sides always, is what is being released to all who can carry this energy at this time.
All of this is the tidying up at the end of a year (2008) of massive change..........it is not the end of this tidying up, this releasing of what is not fundamentally of love in each persons life, but it is the big step into this release.
And from spirit side, we are here to give so much support to help each person figure their own way through the change.
Everyone has been in pain, either physical or mental and emotional.............. everyone has been hurt by others actions, and by their own lack of love for themselves. Everyone has done so much to try and make their world better, but still people are trying to control life too much......................
And everyone has allowed the whole to become more a part of them.....and this IS painful.
For as the pain that is inside every person is released (as love enters from the whole), the body has to change......We see so much sickness..........
And the pain comes to the surface and is expressed against others or against ourselves................and it is clear for all to see, including us..............
It is not easy to live through this, but it is incredibly healing. And we can know now that as we go through the 21/12 gate, the winter solstice, the energy of growth returns (the days start to get longer), and the final tidying up is completed for this year. Whew!
Appreciate your own awareness of this change and give thanks for this knowing. And pray in your heart for everyone that is trying to release "what is not of love" in their lives so that "what is of love" can enter to stay for good...........for this year the change is permanent for so many, as the release is more complete than ever before..................
Know you are blessed, for your Higher Self is closer than ever before. Your God is with you.
And so it is..............
Thursday, 18 December 2008
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