Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Pray for those who are separated

All across the world, in these changing times, people are experiencing an energy within them that says "I can do this differently". They are feeling their connection with their part of god coming alive, and it is happening to everyone.

And for those who are used to being powerful and controlling, who have been cheating, who have been misusing and abusing their relationships with other people ("other parts of god"), this is a difficult time. They can feel a clearer view, a new part in them awakening, but how do they let go of their need to control to enable this new, more loving aspect of them emerge.

For control partners fear, and love partners freedom.

And to move from "living with others you control through fear" to "living with others with love, and all the freedom it brings" is a massive change in energy in life. Especially for those who have been separate from their true selves for a long time.

This is why we ask you to pray for all those who are trying to change.

They chose the role in life that they have taken on to mirror back to society how society works when children are abused. If they had been children who were loved so that THEY KNEW THEIR TRUE SELF WITHIN, THEY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN A DIFFERENT PATH.

This is what happens with everyone in this world. Those who are controlled control others, and those who are set free set others free. Those who are loved love, and those who are hated and abused, hate and abuse others. We are what we experience as children, and to release this programming means we need help.

Human help and angelic help.

Our call to you today is to pray for all those who have been controlled, hurt, abused and misused to be set free of their hurt programme (that says I must act as I was treated), and to allow the love of god, their connection to god, to be realised in themselves with joy and happiness.

For they have now completed their task of "mirroring back to society the pain and hurt they experienced", and they can let it go now. For we say thank you for showing our true society selves to us. We say we are ready to move on now, and we thank you and we bless you.

We pray our blessings set you free to experience your connection with god within.

And we, who are your spirit friends speaking to you now, can tell you that this prayer, felt as real, can help transform your world everywhere.

And so it is.