Thursday, 23 December 2010

The Second Coming

The second coming is happening now, in the hearts of everyone, whether they know it or not

It is felt as greater love for all, especially greater love for you.

You want to be yourself.

It is painful because it means that all that hurts in your life has to be let go now...and it won't go away if you don't.

Letting go means asking "what would love do now, with this ongoing/long term situation?"

The answer to all pain is within you now. It is love.

As the pain begins to leave, lesser pains will come up next; until all pain is released from your heart.

And you will see beauty everywhere.

In every person, animal and aspect of nature.

This is the second coming, when the love of your creator is found within you.

And you will know that you too are a special part of god.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Our journey through life and why it is as it is

At the heart of the journey is the realisation that when you "do what only you do well", then you are in fact loving your self - because you allow the all of you to flow freely through you..........

This acting from "who you are" only works when you are able to be completely honest with yourself about you. And then the key is to do this for yourself kindly and gently.........for as humans we tend to beat ourselves up over our mistakes...

As spirits we can know that a mistake is simply a choice we probably don't want to make again.............and to take the "learning about love" and how it works out of the experience is how we each make progress................

And what are we progresssing towards?

We're trying to bring in more of our spirit (we can only have about 5% of our spirit in the human body - much more would destroy us), as part of the process of creating heaven on earth. To do that we have to work with more love in our lives, and we have to start with ourselves and then those close to us.

Learning to work with more love means opening doors in ourself we had chosen to leave closed up to now, as we practised at being human being first and foremost. And learning to work with more love means starting with ourself and being very honest and seeing how far our honesty can take us.

This is because love, is truth, is beauty.

Our truth is only ever true for us. Everyone has their own reality that they have to contribute to the whole. Finding out how to do this is the challenge we all accept in choosing to come here to planet earth. And of course earth is a very special game we have chosen to play in as part of our contribution to the whole of everything.

As we learn to love ourselves in this way so we change the world around us, bit by bit. And Our world is the part we have chosen to play in and try and make more loving. Everyone in this life is an old friend from our many lives. We are all here for ourselves first, and to help each other too.

This brings the awareness of our great potential to create heaven on earth. What comes after this is unknown, except that we already know it from our time in heaven. It is a place of unlimited creativity, where we learn that our thoughts, when based on love of self and all, can and will create anything and everything we consider to be worth doing.

Ultimately our thoughts, once they are based on our reconnection with our spirit / love, will then create in each moment all that we would wish for ourselves and others. We only have to think it to create it, and we will know in each moment what the most appropriate thought for this moment is.

Over time, as all learn to do this, heaven is created on earth, bit by bit. Then we will see what we can create together from this new place of more of our spirit being in our human bodies for more people on earth. These are exciting times!

All we have to ask in each moment is "What would my love do now?" Then we will know.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Begin here

Everyone is a unique part of god, and as such is able to act from this place of can create what you want in love all is possible.

Invite love into your life to help you be more love.

Sit and talk to love and ask love to help you in any situation, and ask love to be there, be set free, in the other person.............then trust and be in the moment, and watch your world change and all others you are with.

Ask for love's answers for you and for all who are in your life, whether you see them presently through the eyes of love or not........

Let love be.............