Wednesday, 15 August 2007

The rising tide of love

We want to talk with you about the rising tide of love that you have been aware of for a long long is a rising tide that is fast rising, that is engulfing all, and having dramatic effects on many peoples lives..............what is inspiring in people is also a cleaning out the old, and there is giant acknowledging, tidying up and cleansing of all of the past.

It is a balancing of energies. A giant rebalancing

See where we are in the picture of life now......the 7th year in the 12 years leading up to 2012. The true balancing of the old energies and seeding of the new energies come in this period 2007 and 2008...

We told you that August is the true beginning of a new cycle each year some time ago, and we tell you again. This is the true new seeding time...when the fruit of the old is ripe and the new seeds for the new year are ready to enter the ground. It is a warm, relaxing, time to reflect and is why July and August are quiet months in the world - people need this time seasonally to reflect and recreate their lives anew. The sun in the high sky is a time for great reflection................

So just as this is true in the 7th and 8th months of the 12 month year as we know it, so it is true in the 7th and 8th years of 12 year cycle up to 2012.

This is the time of total releasing of the past and new seeds being born.

Imagine also the rising tide of love that comes from the outer systems of the planets and galaxies that is here to help at this time. This is the soul input in a cycle of change that comes and goes. Galactically this "warmer" time (of increased love energy) comes around, and we all know it is real and join with it, in the main unconsciously...........

However, the "rising tide of love" brings many challenges for a world that is exploring the outer limits of life experiences.............for "I" expression, the ego that is the God centre in human form, wants to try everything out, wants to explore possibilities, wants to appreciate what can be done, especially in the male energy........ this energy enjoys working with the material plane............

At present cooperative working together brings many benefits, as your society shows, and these many benefits do get shared over time with all. The great skills and inspiring powers people and groups experience become products that have to be shared with all.................

However, at present there are limits on creation created by humans, for not too much of the creation is concerned with enhancing "the whole of life" as well as "my part of life" consciously............

Some do understand these energies (and want "free search of knowledge for all" and "computers for all"), and they try to explain what feels like a unique feeling in their lives and businesses. These people will always do well, but this is not an accepted truth of reality for all. It is not seen yet that the "I" who works for "the self" and "the all" in equal measure will always succeed in this new emerging reality.........................

So any creative project that shares the love (or inspiration) of the individual, or of a local cooperative, freely is an energy that cannot fail to succeed......if the project or business is for the good of all, and the good of the individual, (as a company or a person) it cannot fail. is connected to the all, to all those unique aspects of God in everyone..............and unconsciously or consciously people know it in these new times, and will support.........

This is a massive energy change in economics and business............

So these are the new energies that have always been there for those who could see, but are being alighted in everyone at the same time.....................right now..................

And the challenge for all the individuals right across the planet is that they are tired (and will be for the 7th and 8th years of change), they do not want to do too much, for there is a DNA change (or a new seed being born that is them) going on right now.

There is an activation going on in everyone that is enabling more of their soul to live more comfortably in their body.

Consider that presently 5% - 25% maximum of the soul spirit energy lives in the body while it is being human (too much love would destroy the physical body).................................what if this were to move to 25 - 50%, or any such number that you consider to be possible.....

What would this feel like, for this is the energy you are all experiencing now.........great wisdom, ease of understanding what is going on, a desire to improve and change things, many crises as things are needing to be looked at in new ways, letting go of all that is old and used up.

A bright new light of love is shining on the world...saying now you HAVE to choose again.........the power of love, or supporting your fellow men and women is so strong it cannot be all aspects of emerging love in life, the spirit is activating a new body to come alive, in mind, body and spirit...................

Everything you have created up to now has just been to help get as many of you as you can to this point in the history of man.....many older people are hanging on with all the drugs, and many new are being born..........all are waiting to see and feel all the change has been your challenge in coming here.

Because as God you want to experience the joy of love coming into a human body....the same experience as waking up in heaven after you have changed form, but this time you are on exciting is that!

All your machines, drugs, foods, houses, planes, trains and cars - all your dreams and aspirations and realities up to now have been to experience being human and then gradually bringing more universal love into the mix.

You are waiting for the time when the whole planet is ready to wake up to the all of who you all are..........heaven on earth is simply being able to create together as well as on your own, in new ways, in a new level of love experienced on earth........all will change in a moment when this becomes the reality that you experience as a human beings all together..................

Individuals who have already touched the experience, have felt the download of light and love into their own lives.................They have seen they have to share, and have accepted the lack of privacy, in a world that doesn't quite understand, to be able to bring to the world the new energy signs.....

These way-showers are just like John the Baptist, they say "Watch out for what is coming................... you will be driven to help the world you live in until it is love everywhere all the time for all............there is no escape from is the new seeded energy that is happening now on your beautiful planet - enjoy it all!"

And so it is.............

Soul of John

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