Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The Science of Spirit

The most eminent and erudite scientist seeks the scientific solutions to knowing "all there is to know" about material things, without ever consciously acknowledging the "power of the life-force", the “power of the spirit” within all things.

The "power of the life-force that is spirit" is a true science, and is what we would like to discuss with you today.

So we will talk about the "power of the spirit " to transform life.

Please take a deep breath and invite your spirit to share this reading with you, for then you will understand the depth of meaning that spirit can bring.

First some basics

Man cannot make spirit, for spirit is eternally present and cannot be made or remade, destroyed or transformed. It is not part of the cycle of life as humans know it, and is completely independent of all of life in the material form.

Spirit can join with matter and create and explore everything you see, but it is never part of matter. In the same way you use a computer to create, search and explore your world, but you are not part of the computer.

Spirit uses matter to explore itself

This is the central purpose for spirit's existence. To experience the creative joy of exploring the potential of a created self.

Matter is part of spirit in one sense, as it is contained within the whole, but it is malleable and changeable to whatever forms spirit wishes to work with. Spirit chooses and matter agrees or conforms. Choosing is what spirit does.

What is spirit?

Matter is spirit's building blocks in physicality, but what is Spirit?

Spirit is God's matter. Spirit is infinite in its creation and in its creativity, through its ability to be part of its Source. It is God inspired and God informed. It is God's joy expressed so that God can see the beauty, truth and infinite bliss of God's own being.......

As we are each unique aspects of God, we can experience the whole (God) and the part (spirit). This is the incredible potential joy of our human experience.

"Spirit realised", or "spirit knowing itself" is God's goal.

Where there is love, God is realised. Where there is love that knows the oneness of all, there is self realisation of the spirit.

This is the only goal of the spirit. To explore and know itself through the living experience of being the love that it is, in the moment.

And yet spirit is infinite in its bliss and its beauty, and so in one sense it can never be fully known. Spirit is always expanding its knowing of itself. It is “always knowing more of itself” with each passing experience.

Experience is spirits' "time" in the same way that days are humans' "time". The joy of experiencing love is spirits sense of itself. All else is not experienced by the spirit.

Sprit knows itself through love, and when spirit connects with itself it feels a high feeling, a feeling of oneness with itself and all of the world in which it is living. All "that is not of love" is not of spirit, but is part of the waste matter of spirit’s experience, and is to be let go. It is like the white trail in a jet-stream across a blue sky. It says I have been here, but I am here no more, and I continue to fly!

How can man work with spirit?

How can man and woman work with the spirit that is in every person, and in every living being?

This is THE big question for all spirits in a human form.

We are discussing "planetary loving experience" when we ask about working with every spirit. We are talking about the highest experience that is known to man and woman on the planet.

This is when man/woman feels connected to the spirit in each spirit manifestation that comes into his/her life. A spirit manifestation is anything that lives and has a life cycle (we will use "his" for ease now).

Each plant, flower, tree, river, insect, bird, animal is a living cyclic experience of spirit in matter. A connection can be made with all outer aspects of spirit in nature, and every spirit in a human form also has the potential to know its spirit within.

All you see in the world is in effect God's creation working with his spirit selves. In effect it is God playing with himself or herself.

Many spirit beings have created these many aspects of God's love on earth. In the same way you create different beings and environments in your computer games for your pleasure, to play within in many ways.

And why do you do play these games?

You play to explore the potential of what you have created, and so to know yourself better, to know more of your own creative potential. This creates joy in your life.

When you write a song or poem you create something in the ether that never existed before. It has your spirits signature upon it, just as the various animals and bugs and beings in their billions have the mark of some aspect of spirit experiencing itself in creation.

So "to know the spirit in each being" is the search of the self for the self.

The Soul’s role

This is where we can discuss the role of the Soul in the science of spirit. The spirit's relationship with the soul is the in one sense the same as the cells relationship with the body. All are one.

God (as us), in manifesting spirit, divided his energies into the energies of the cycle, and for ease of understanding this made 12 different fundamental energies or phases.

Each energy phase can be further divided as many times as you wish. But if we stay with the 12 fundamental soul energies that you know in the 12 disciples, in the 12 months of the year, in the 12 semitones that make up an octave, and in the 12 hours in a half day, then you can begin to see the powerful, fundamental, and very different energies each Soul energy represents and manifests.

Think of the different energies lying behind winter, spring, summer and autumn to get a sense of these energies.

Spirits, as part of Souls, have one fundamental energy of one Soul group at their heart, and then have lesser aspects of all the remaining 11 soul or cycle energies present, to make up the whole spirit they are. In a sense we are all rainbow children with one strong colour.

As an example, the spirit from Soul Group 1 has the energy of the "1" as a fundamental energy, and this energy is present in a predominating way in everything that it is, and that it creates.

This is an eternal energy for you as a "spirit in a human form", as it is for each flower, bug, animal, tree etc that is created. So depending on which energy you experience yourself to be, so you can connect with, and will be drawn to different flowers in the field, different trees, different animals, places etc in your life. It is also a major aspect of your personality, and explains why you are attracted to do what you do.

All of nature, because it is cyclic, contains all the energies in its manifestation, but there will always be a fundamental that draws you in. This is your special combination of connections that no one else has, the connections you feel with the different aspects of manifested spirit in the world.

There is no magic in this. This is the science of spirit.

Whatever you feel drawn to is a part of you, and the more you are able to allow yourself to accept the love that you are, the more drawn you will feel to certain aspects of nature in all that is on earth.

Allow yourself this, and know it is this connection that is the eternal part of you that you seek to know in this life.

When you know other spirits as aspects of your soul group, and you can truly feel the connection within you, then you know your own journey very well, and you can follow it with confidence and passion.

As an example, your desire (as Soul of John energy) is to nurture and nourish and help express this nature in everything, whether it is human, or a flower, or some other aspect of spirit manifest. You have been this gardener before in the garden, and now you are choosing to do it in the human world in this series of lives that you are experiencing now.

Enjoy it all!

Practical science of the spirit

Now we would like to draw out for you the value of this knowing, for this is where the science of the spirit becomes practical.

Many have touched on this science before but it has not been agreed to be released as a whole until now. This knowing will be spread all over the world very soon, and soon many will act from it. It is being downloaded as we speak into many minds everywhere. Now it can and will be understood for the power that it brings to "those who know love within themselves as the spirit soul that they are".

Love all, and come to know all of who you are.

This information could not be known until now, as misused it had the power to confuse. However, in the more open world you now live in, where many hearts are opening, it cannot be misused and so is safe. The science of spirit can now work for the good of all.

As this science is applied in the fields of medicine and health, in economics and politics, in energy production and planet appreciation, so new technologies will be rapidly created that will solve current problems. New opportunities for sharing life on earth will emerge that will herald a golden age.

By each person knowing the love that they are by expressing it with others, so the spirit soul connection that they uniquely have will be made. This is the ultimate power. They will know who they are, who they are connected to, why they are connected, and what it is all about. Self healing is self knowing, self knowing is spirit connecting, and spirit connecting is being a part of all that you see and experience in life on earth.

And so it is.

A portal of the science of spirit

As you can see, a massive portal is opening today, 7/11/2007. Many massive new portals will open now as man comes to know the science of his/her spirit. All answers can and will be found to profound problems, that are here currently simply to remind male and female spirits on earth that they are connected to the whole that they are also part of creating.

In time each spirit will knows its soul connection and its connection with all other like energy beings on the earth, and will seek to encourage, preserve and develop them through their own individual aspect of love.

As this happens many changes will occur in the way we live and love together on the planet, and this profundity will create the new planet earth many have known is in creation now.

And so it truly is......................

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