Tuesday 25 September 2007

Empowering each other is the way forward now

Love is the true empowering energy. When you treat a person as though they are "good enough to be loved by another", you lift them up into the warmth of their soul............

How do you best empower another?

You ask them what they want from life and want to give to life.........

You listen carefully, remembering that people will only express the all of who they are when they feel safe and therefore loved. Safety is found in love...........love creates safety...............it all leads back to love. Love is the source of every energy that is good and helpful, and that empowers another.

You may ask them to explain more of what they mean (about what they want to give and receive from life), to find a deeper energy in the person. When you feel this deeper energy know they are empowered through your love.

You assume they are acting from their heart and you act from yours. It will make their heart come alive...............as they feel safe, loved and appreciated for who they are.

If love is how we best empower another, how do we learn to love another?

Learning how to love another requires practice. It requires humilty, selfless actions (compassionate, caring support of anothers emergence as who they are), and understanding and appreciation of anothers viewpoint. Love is very gentle with the truth (appreciating that our view of the truth is often very different to anothers), offering it as a choice and not as a fact.

Love knows that empowering someone means letting go, letting them fly, encouraging them to be themselves. Each person has to create their own lessons in life for learning, according to their own special life needs. Whether they are easy or hard lessons is their choice alone.

Love knows the main "empowering another" role is to support, encourage and to listen carefully as they review their progress. By creating a place where the truth can be easily spoken, and the life lessons can be easily learned and new choices made.

Empower others if you wish to be empowered.

Saturday 22 September 2007

Appreciation and love

So let us talk about these things today. Appreciation and love. Can you appreciate the gifts that every person you meet brings into your life, for they ARE part of god, just as you are.

They are no more and no less than you.

They are just as important as you, and just as special as you in their own chosen skill pattern.

When you can appreciate another you are loving them. When you lift them up by showing them who they are from your perspective, when you see the gifts they bring by seeking them out, then you are loving and appreciating someone. And by this act you are making the world a much better place.

Appreciating another and supporting them in their life goals is the greatest gift to the planet. Bringing another part of the whole "more alive" is making the whole "more whole", more complete.

We are here to do this for each other. It is what we promise to do in coming here. To value each other, and support each other in achieving our full value. This is the game we are playing together.

If you want to know how to easily flow into the next dimension, here is one of the great secrets. Everyone is a part of you, and as such they are in your life for you to help them remember who they are, just as they are there to do it for you.

As each remembers their vital factors, their special skills, their creative intensities, their driving forces in life, so they connect to the "whole" and make it more complete. We are each here to do this for ourselves, with the help of others. And to do it for each other, by helping bring the natural energy within the other out. Helping them to find that creative spark within.

When you can help another, by showing them how special they are, then you can achieve great things. Then they will work with and for you for the good of the whole, for the good of themselves and you, and they will help make the world the much better place it is destined to be.

This is the special journey.

To first accept another as they are. Acceptance is what we all seek from each other, for it allows us to grow into more of who we are.

Acceptance can then grow to Appreciation of the gifts others bring. When another sees our special gifts, which have been with us all our life, and acknowledges and values them, then we are inspired to be more of who we are. It is like a turbo boost to "who we are", and a very powerful "energy of god" that is given us.

It is "God in the other person" recognising "God in us".

It is God seeing God on earth, and is incredibly powerful as a joining together energy. It is a blessed thing to behold , to experience and to do. To really see and love the God aspect in another. This is what appreciating the others gifts means.

Look and see the beauty of "the God you feel within" in everyone. It is there to be seen so much more clearly now. Don't wait for others to find God in you, find it in them first!

With many blessings

The Soul of John

Friday 14 September 2007

An incoming tide of love

For everyone it is a time of great truth and love expressed in the human angel form, as "the all of you" enters more fully than ever before....................

Take your time to allow all of this in. Take little steps that you will feel as you walk along this road, and know it is your time to experience the all of you more and more and more now....................................

Who is this greater you dearest one?

This is who you can explore now. The energies of lives long gone and yet still in your experience of the Akashic. Are these lives now? Are you living them concurrently with this one. Do you have a plan that you take to the all of you to explore.

Yes, for you are all these living experiences now..............as much of them as you wish to be...............as much of them as you care to open within you to be...........

Consider where you found your experiences of life from? From your balanced experience of many lives that tells you there is no need to strive.

To just be is the challenge of life, but as you grow and learn in your human form, it is very hard for you to just do this...........very hard indeed as the young growing child in the alien world that does not share the joy of who you really are with you.

But it does more now, and it is a time to completely enjoy all you do................... for you are living more of you now. Whether you are conscious of this or not.

This is the joy that you are beginning to experience.

Relaxing into being more of you.................

Let all worries go and focus just on what the good in you can do, on the love you can share............

"How much love can I share here now".

This is the only question, and if you do not understand the question in your current situation, then know it is really worth trying to understand and do it! For it will take you in leaps and bounds to the all of you, open doors within you that will surprise and delight you, and bring joy to your every living moment that you do it.

For giving and taking love, sharing love with each other, whether that other be a human, an animal, a plant, a tree, a stone or the whole of earth.............this is who you are, part of this love, and it is how you can remember the all of you better.

Sharing the love that you are.....................makes the love that you are greater, more powerful, more complete, more exciting, more inspiring and invigorating; and ultimately it fills you with joy..............

It is all you have to do....................

And all the support you need to experience this more complete aspect of you is with you now, in this moment, buoying you up on an incoming tide of love, and allowing you with ease to explore those parts of you that you could never easily have explored within you before.............

And so it is, and so it is for everyone, whoever and wherever they are. All want to make the world this better place it is planned to be...............all can feel it now, and where there is change to be made from the power of love flowing freely within, so it will be made now...................

Sunday 9 September 2007

All the 9's: Completion of the old

All the 9's.........09/09/2007 .....................so much completion of the old, so many endings now, so much that has run its course and is complete and where all can be seen for what it is...............so much is clearer now, so much is much easier to deal with, so much is being appreciated and understood in how and what makes it all tick, what truly makes the world go round....................

All that has been is no more, and all the experiences that life has given us lead us to one simple conclusion.............we must learn to live together, to cooperate, to support and enable each other to become all that we each are............as we each become whole and complete so the world becomes whole and complete. There never was and never can be any other way.

We say "We" today because it is the beginning of the "We" phase.

We want you to remember that We are all in this together. We need you to work with us as much as you need us to work with you. We are all one, and our plan has always been, AND ALWAYS IS TO WORK TOGETHER. Spirit knowing and life living are one, and are here to become joined as one.

Be informed by matter and inspired by spirit. Matter gives you form, and spirit gives you life.........................together we are one, and you are only living with a small part of your total spirit active in your bodies at present. This is because the matter you are formed in has not been light enough to take the spirit energy that is available to it.

But now it is.

Despite all you may think you may have done to resist these energies within you, they are coming in now.......the old is past. The new is now, and all aspects of you are becoming inspired in the present. Spirit is entering every aspect of your life with a new intensity, a new power, a new delight, a new love.

All you have learned is as nothing, for now it is all becoming known within you and is you now. For this is what you have all chosen in your oneness with the All that is.

You need do nothing, you have nothing to change, nothing to take over, and nothing to become. Simply allow the all of you to be the love that you know in your heart you are. It is getting stronger by the hour now, from this day onward the new season is being played out. It is the time of change to become the new seed you have felt developing in you so strongly in these past months. This seed leaves the old and has all that it needs for the next phase of life. It knows, it is, and it is ready to give birth to itself.

By the time you reach 21/12/2012 (half way in the new 9 year cycle) you will have completely become the flower that this new seed is. You will have expressed the all that you are in new and whole ways with each other, and achieved goals you would never have dreamed possible.

How will this feel over the next few days and months..............

Strange, new and pleasantly confusing.

People, who you would never have seen as having a heart that could open, will open their hearts to their world. They will feel increasingly their own pain., and the pain of those around them that are in need of help.

As more spirit informs the human angel that is emerging in everyone now, pain will come quickly to the surface to be seen and released. Physically and emotionally this will be experienced.

Those who can help will feel drawn to helping, and those who are releasing will let it all out now. All will find someone special they can help and support and all will be supported by someone special in their life. This special person could be anyone that is in their life, from work, home or play.

Releasing pain is like giving birth to the new seed. It is not easy, but it is full of rewarding joy. It will grow in your life without your effort, but simply by being in the world, being part of the Gaia change that is everywhere now. You need do nothing except allow yourself to be drawn to where your heart leads you.

There are no dramatic life changes necessary, just different perceptions that will inform all that you each do now. Relax, enjoy, become the new seed that is sown in your heart, and live the love that you are, and always have been.

It is with many blessings that we join with this Soul of John energy, and wish you all grace in all you are now.

Saturday 8 September 2007

In the present as the present

Look to the heavens now. Embrace the stars at night and feel the extraordinary scope of life, the potential as yet misunderstood, that awaits you all in your awakening processes in this life now.................

We have explained before to you how much this is your creation, your clues are scattered across the skies. You play in this game as the human spirits you are, and yet you are the master creators of the game too.

You have created it all to play in and this is the illusion that you wished to experience.

Love finding itself.

For in this way you knew you would experience love in many different ways.

And so you have, and you have been fascinated by the pain you could create too. For it is the release of pain and the enjoining with love that the extreme journeys are taken and the maximum experience is created.

Your choice!

We remind you how much this experience you are in is all your choice, for you revel in the pain as much as you are basking in the warmth of love. It is all your choice, to experience these ranges of emotions, until you no longer wish to. For you have learned there is truly little joy in the awakening from pain to love, and then returning back to pain again. Now you can easily awaken from the pain you have created and let it go.

It has been a tricky journey for all, for you have created a society that is not based on love, but on controlling pain and minimising the enjoyment of love. You have tried to sanitise your life to control the pain. And you have created much that you are abandoning now, that has held you back from joy and love.

The great message is that you have chosen now to abandon pain and fear!

Pain is an opportunity now to find love.

Pain is no longer a choice you wish to make, and you know in making that choice that all choices for pain have to be reconsidered, re-evaluated, and reborn as love. Ultimately you will choose love unconsciously in all circumstances. And for now, initially, you do it consciously to change the habit (and this is what is happening worldwide now).

Until eventually the habit is revised and the new love habit becomes unconscious, and easily expressed because it is going WITH your true flow.

It becomes "this is what love does".

This transition, known as "the awakening" and the "change to the 5th dimension" is with all now, in unique and special and exciting ways for each person.

As you abandon pain you abandon the need to create more suffering in the world to feel good about yourself. You abandon the need to control the world you live in, and you begin to accept and appreciate the beauty of every living thing that enters into your glorious life.

Suddenly the beauty of it all becomes so much clearer. Suddenly the joy of sharing becomes the only joy you want......and bit by little bit you embrace the all of you and allow this extraordinary expression that is you to simply be. You judge you no more, you rejoice in you (for you would never change from being you given the choice), and know that you have this wonderful gift of you to offer the world.

It is a gift that makes all "full of wonder", for it a present that comes from being love now, in the present moment.

And so we see that "nothing that has been matters", "nothing that could be matters", and "all that actually matters is what our love creates now".................

This is the blessing that you have wished upon your selves, as the commanders of this incredible game, and these are the new ways in which you have chosen to play..............

Enjoy it all, share it all, and be in the present, as the present that is love.