Saturday 22 December 2007

Families are your joy

Dearest friends on earth
We talk to you about the coming holiday season and about the joy that you seek in your lives. Your families are where all that you seek in your life can be found. As part of your birth and blood families, and as part of your local and neighbourhood families, and increasingly as part of the internet families that many belong to now................

The Global village is now the reality you dreamed of 40 years ago, and 2007 has seen a world awakening that takes more responsibility for itself.

Our message is simple today.

You are awakening from the dream and it can be very confusing. For the dream is what you have lived, it is you, it is part of you, and it is often not who you want to be in the future.

The dream you awaken from is full of fixed ideas that are being loosened, ways of doing things that are planned to be changed by the higher self you (the universal aspect of you that is now emerging into your life with great clarity............)

You can resist "you" if you wish, but it will only become more difficult each day of 2008, for the changes are your choice from the whole of you. Chosen by and for you and all..............

Awaken freely, with a smile for who you were, an appreciation of who you had to be without the wisdom of the Universal you, and the anticipation of the joy this more complete you can experience now......

Remember that everyone is changing, and especially note that the letting go journey for others will include their ideas about you, just as you will change your ideas about others.

What was "not of love" cannot live in this new world. What used another without thinking is no longer part of the new world of sharing love you are entering. New experiences of love may frighten or un-nerve you initially, for they will so different from the "you" you have been.

Simply know that everyone is experiencing this, pray for enlightenment for you and for all in your life, and let go of what is not unconditional love in your life.............

It is time to do this now...........for it is in the air and cannot be ignored.

Others will see you differently, others will experience you as you really are, and you will feel yourself very differently too. Feelings of joy can be easily activated by simply allowing the past to die. For it is no more. In each moment you can learn to invite love in and simply be.

Ask for all of heaven to help you in each and every moment to be the love that you are inside, and know that in doing this you are completely free to experience the joy of life.................

Your new life is about living in the present moment. Knowing you are part of God, with all that this empowerment can bring you individually and uniquely as you. Having no connection to your past for it is not who you are now, and having no anticipation of a future, for you no longer base your future on how the past has been.

You are free to be love in the moment. And so it is, and so it will be forever...............

Many blessings are yours now. Embrace them, for they are you.

Saturday 15 December 2007

2008 is the new beginning

These are changing times. This you know and this you are aware of. But how is it going to effect the way you live your life now from this moment on. You are entering a new cycle in 2008. A new beginning for all that you do, and a time when co creation with heaven, with the part of you that knows you are part of God can come to pass. This is the part of you that has always been with you and is now saying "It is our time, this is the time we talked of". This is your intuition, your sense of what might be, your inner voice that you have often ignored. And now this inner world of yours is going to find it is part of all you create from now on.... consciously. Your inner guides will be much more obvious to you now. You will feel yourself asking for clarity, and clarity will come..............

This is the new beginning that 2008, a number 1, means. A time leading up to 2012 where all that you have learned can be put into action, in your world, and worldwide too. A world where the whole and the part become one again, where the good of all and the good of the self becomes the same goal, where all people begin to feel they are part of this wonderful planet on which they live. It is the beginning of the new times, that surface in 2012 (a 5 and time of flowering growth in spirit) with a clarity that no one can ignore.

All we have ever wanted to happen will have started, and the world in transition we all came to see will be much clearer and much more obvious for us all.

So as each person learns to value their spirit within, and so themselves in the world they have chosen to live in, so the world will come alive.

The hardest part is going to be for all those who have foretold these changes realising that everyone has caught up! For everyone will be realising within themselves in a completely different way to those who told of the new world. They will be practically making changes in their lives, happily helping the planet, their neighbours, the world in which they live, wondering why those who have foretold all of this go on so! For there is no prize for being first in seeing what is coming. The only prize is living it and enjoying it!

We are all coming to the same place in our spirit at the same time. Many will see the changes and marvel, but many more will simply see it as a natural progression that has been hard fought and won. And both are right, for the changes to the world that you see in climate warming is also the change to your vibration that has lifted everyone to a higher place of vibrational is a raising of the vibration you experience is a natural cycle of life, and it is the process of change that has brought everyone together.

Enjoy your new life. Know you can create in any image of love that you wish. Any colour of love that we choose is what we will co create with the heavenly part of ourselves. We will make new loving experiences on earth from our passions and our sense of loving ourselves enough to let the love within be expressed. All is possible that we have each dreamed of.

Follow the dream of the better world you can sense, and do whatever is in your heart to make the difference you want to see.

And so it is............

Saturday 24 November 2007

A rapidly changing world and self - and love, truth and beauty

Your world is changing everywhere now in ways that feel very speeded up for everyone. Fundamental issues that have been ignored can no longer be ignored, on all levels of being.

Every truth that has been known within each person, but has not been acted upon, is coming up for air.

All that is "not of the truth" within each individual is being cleared out, is being released, is being let go and is being abandonned. Karma if you like is becoming instant, in the sense that action and reaction are bound in the timeless energy of truth for each individual.

Whatever a persons truth, it is supported stronger than ever before by the planetary changes, and is here to be lived now, in a big big way..................

As this wave of change flows stronger over the planet it is being experienced in different parts of the world in very different ways.

Truth is beauty is love............ and yet beauty, truth and love are completely individual too.

Each persons natural experience of each of these energies means that the changes will be felt like a wave of massive change across the world, a ripple of love and beauty. All that is not of a personal truth, as well as group or corporate truth, will have to face what is real, and feels like truth within.

Truth is only ever known within, as all truth is individual. And when we are connected to our truth, it is our individual nature with truth that allows us to be in the right place at the right time in this rapidly changing world.

The "beauty" that we can create by "loving" ourselves enough to follow our own inner "truth" is the conundrum of change every person on the planet faces, in their own special way now.........................this is how "truth", "beauty" and "love" interact in this planetary change we are all experiencing in our lives.

How will we experience this in the larger world....................................

Moving towards truth in life means finding the balance point between where truths vision lies and where we are now. Rapid change will unsteady the boat, and even sink it. Gentle, thoughtful change, accepts who and where we are now. This is vital, as it has been necessary to having a starting place (where we are now) from which to get to where we want to go to. "Where we are now" is perfect for where we need to be led to gently by our truth within.

How will this affect our relationship with the world? As all change to their own inner truth as their guide, we will change our points of view on many subjects that we have held fixed through fear.

It will happen as we see our oneness and begin changing our relationship with making arms that can destroy the world, changing our relationship with currencies that are over valued, changing our relationship with economies that that can work for the good of the world as well as the good of the nation, changing our relationship with democracy and freedom of expression, and making " support of life" a fundamental principle for all life on earth.

All of these things are part of the world in which we live that are changing, and where we have in place safety mechanisms now that enable us to make smooth change that harms no one and benefits the greater good.

To make the change smooth the World vision will become clarified and owned by all governments. In the same way that we can now see that we pollute our planet and need to change our habits for the good of all, so we will learn to make the "support of all life" and "the reduction of pain and misery for all" a fundamental that we need to achieve for all, before we can move on together as a world based on truth, beauty and love.....................

And truth, beauty and love is who we each are uniquely, in our own individual expression on this earth.

So this "how can I save the world" energy, that many feel now within in their own hearts, and don't know how to manifest in their life, is the rising energy of truth seeing what we have created and how it must change to make our future possible................and it can change gently, as long as it is deliberate and positive, and clear in its vision or goal.

Our interdependence and oneness will clarify the goal.

This is lifes challenge now. this is where you all reside in lifes journey in this moment in time. Think of 2007 as the year of reflecting, as a world, on what you have created, and becoming very concerned for where it is all out of balance.

As a world you have moved into a shared understanding of what you have created. 2008 is the time of rebalancing globally and individually, of creating the new seed of hope for positive change together, as a world, that we will plant and sow worldwide in 2009.

In getting to this place much that we have taken for granted will need to change. It can be gentle, but it cannot stay the same is the simple message. It must change for the good of us all, which is ultimately for our own individual good too.........

This is lifes beautiful challenge.............

Wednesday 7 November 2007

The Science of Spirit

The most eminent and erudite scientist seeks the scientific solutions to knowing "all there is to know" about material things, without ever consciously acknowledging the "power of the life-force", the “power of the spirit” within all things.

The "power of the life-force that is spirit" is a true science, and is what we would like to discuss with you today.

So we will talk about the "power of the spirit " to transform life.

Please take a deep breath and invite your spirit to share this reading with you, for then you will understand the depth of meaning that spirit can bring.

First some basics

Man cannot make spirit, for spirit is eternally present and cannot be made or remade, destroyed or transformed. It is not part of the cycle of life as humans know it, and is completely independent of all of life in the material form.

Spirit can join with matter and create and explore everything you see, but it is never part of matter. In the same way you use a computer to create, search and explore your world, but you are not part of the computer.

Spirit uses matter to explore itself

This is the central purpose for spirit's existence. To experience the creative joy of exploring the potential of a created self.

Matter is part of spirit in one sense, as it is contained within the whole, but it is malleable and changeable to whatever forms spirit wishes to work with. Spirit chooses and matter agrees or conforms. Choosing is what spirit does.

What is spirit?

Matter is spirit's building blocks in physicality, but what is Spirit?

Spirit is God's matter. Spirit is infinite in its creation and in its creativity, through its ability to be part of its Source. It is God inspired and God informed. It is God's joy expressed so that God can see the beauty, truth and infinite bliss of God's own being.......

As we are each unique aspects of God, we can experience the whole (God) and the part (spirit). This is the incredible potential joy of our human experience.

"Spirit realised", or "spirit knowing itself" is God's goal.

Where there is love, God is realised. Where there is love that knows the oneness of all, there is self realisation of the spirit.

This is the only goal of the spirit. To explore and know itself through the living experience of being the love that it is, in the moment.

And yet spirit is infinite in its bliss and its beauty, and so in one sense it can never be fully known. Spirit is always expanding its knowing of itself. It is “always knowing more of itself” with each passing experience.

Experience is spirits' "time" in the same way that days are humans' "time". The joy of experiencing love is spirits sense of itself. All else is not experienced by the spirit.

Sprit knows itself through love, and when spirit connects with itself it feels a high feeling, a feeling of oneness with itself and all of the world in which it is living. All "that is not of love" is not of spirit, but is part of the waste matter of spirit’s experience, and is to be let go. It is like the white trail in a jet-stream across a blue sky. It says I have been here, but I am here no more, and I continue to fly!

How can man work with spirit?

How can man and woman work with the spirit that is in every person, and in every living being?

This is THE big question for all spirits in a human form.

We are discussing "planetary loving experience" when we ask about working with every spirit. We are talking about the highest experience that is known to man and woman on the planet.

This is when man/woman feels connected to the spirit in each spirit manifestation that comes into his/her life. A spirit manifestation is anything that lives and has a life cycle (we will use "his" for ease now).

Each plant, flower, tree, river, insect, bird, animal is a living cyclic experience of spirit in matter. A connection can be made with all outer aspects of spirit in nature, and every spirit in a human form also has the potential to know its spirit within.

All you see in the world is in effect God's creation working with his spirit selves. In effect it is God playing with himself or herself.

Many spirit beings have created these many aspects of God's love on earth. In the same way you create different beings and environments in your computer games for your pleasure, to play within in many ways.

And why do you do play these games?

You play to explore the potential of what you have created, and so to know yourself better, to know more of your own creative potential. This creates joy in your life.

When you write a song or poem you create something in the ether that never existed before. It has your spirits signature upon it, just as the various animals and bugs and beings in their billions have the mark of some aspect of spirit experiencing itself in creation.

So "to know the spirit in each being" is the search of the self for the self.

The Soul’s role

This is where we can discuss the role of the Soul in the science of spirit. The spirit's relationship with the soul is the in one sense the same as the cells relationship with the body. All are one.

God (as us), in manifesting spirit, divided his energies into the energies of the cycle, and for ease of understanding this made 12 different fundamental energies or phases.

Each energy phase can be further divided as many times as you wish. But if we stay with the 12 fundamental soul energies that you know in the 12 disciples, in the 12 months of the year, in the 12 semitones that make up an octave, and in the 12 hours in a half day, then you can begin to see the powerful, fundamental, and very different energies each Soul energy represents and manifests.

Think of the different energies lying behind winter, spring, summer and autumn to get a sense of these energies.

Spirits, as part of Souls, have one fundamental energy of one Soul group at their heart, and then have lesser aspects of all the remaining 11 soul or cycle energies present, to make up the whole spirit they are. In a sense we are all rainbow children with one strong colour.

As an example, the spirit from Soul Group 1 has the energy of the "1" as a fundamental energy, and this energy is present in a predominating way in everything that it is, and that it creates.

This is an eternal energy for you as a "spirit in a human form", as it is for each flower, bug, animal, tree etc that is created. So depending on which energy you experience yourself to be, so you can connect with, and will be drawn to different flowers in the field, different trees, different animals, places etc in your life. It is also a major aspect of your personality, and explains why you are attracted to do what you do.

All of nature, because it is cyclic, contains all the energies in its manifestation, but there will always be a fundamental that draws you in. This is your special combination of connections that no one else has, the connections you feel with the different aspects of manifested spirit in the world.

There is no magic in this. This is the science of spirit.

Whatever you feel drawn to is a part of you, and the more you are able to allow yourself to accept the love that you are, the more drawn you will feel to certain aspects of nature in all that is on earth.

Allow yourself this, and know it is this connection that is the eternal part of you that you seek to know in this life.

When you know other spirits as aspects of your soul group, and you can truly feel the connection within you, then you know your own journey very well, and you can follow it with confidence and passion.

As an example, your desire (as Soul of John energy) is to nurture and nourish and help express this nature in everything, whether it is human, or a flower, or some other aspect of spirit manifest. You have been this gardener before in the garden, and now you are choosing to do it in the human world in this series of lives that you are experiencing now.

Enjoy it all!

Practical science of the spirit

Now we would like to draw out for you the value of this knowing, for this is where the science of the spirit becomes practical.

Many have touched on this science before but it has not been agreed to be released as a whole until now. This knowing will be spread all over the world very soon, and soon many will act from it. It is being downloaded as we speak into many minds everywhere. Now it can and will be understood for the power that it brings to "those who know love within themselves as the spirit soul that they are".

Love all, and come to know all of who you are.

This information could not be known until now, as misused it had the power to confuse. However, in the more open world you now live in, where many hearts are opening, it cannot be misused and so is safe. The science of spirit can now work for the good of all.

As this science is applied in the fields of medicine and health, in economics and politics, in energy production and planet appreciation, so new technologies will be rapidly created that will solve current problems. New opportunities for sharing life on earth will emerge that will herald a golden age.

By each person knowing the love that they are by expressing it with others, so the spirit soul connection that they uniquely have will be made. This is the ultimate power. They will know who they are, who they are connected to, why they are connected, and what it is all about. Self healing is self knowing, self knowing is spirit connecting, and spirit connecting is being a part of all that you see and experience in life on earth.

And so it is.

A portal of the science of spirit

As you can see, a massive portal is opening today, 7/11/2007. Many massive new portals will open now as man comes to know the science of his/her spirit. All answers can and will be found to profound problems, that are here currently simply to remind male and female spirits on earth that they are connected to the whole that they are also part of creating.

In time each spirit will knows its soul connection and its connection with all other like energy beings on the earth, and will seek to encourage, preserve and develop them through their own individual aspect of love.

As this happens many changes will occur in the way we live and love together on the planet, and this profundity will create the new planet earth many have known is in creation now.

And so it truly is......................

Wednesday 24 October 2007

"What would love do now?"

We would like to explore the joy of love expressed in your lives now. We have been part of the journey that you are aware of, "taking time" to bring people to a knowing of "no time", which is when there is only love. This is explained below.

In love there is no time, for there is nothing to fix, nothing between states of good and bad, just a constant state of "being" experienced as love. In this state you are connected to all, you can know all for who they are, and how they may be struggling or suceeding in their existence. You are very sensitive to all of life, and can tune in or out at will.

All are part of you, and when you know all others in this way, this is how the portals into all of life can open for you. There is nothing magical or unusual about this, it is simply that your separation from nature and "loves expression on earth" has separated you from these natural abilities.

As the world changes to embrace love of all (of the planet you live on and everyone and everything upon it), so these natural abilities will return to you.

The only practice you have to master is knowing that you and everyone and everything comes from love. It is in the acting from this place in your life that all answers become possible for you. It takes practice to decide from a loving position with all that you do, for you are so used to deciding from a place of fear, or lack of love.

However love is what you are each made from, so it is a natural path back that you seek.

Fear is a choice that you make, even if it is one that society encourages through its lack of compassion for the struggles that life brings. We separate at an early age from the love that we are born with, when life tries to fill us with fear to control us rather than understand us. Every young one is looking for help to realise the truth of their own unique expression, and we each need the love of a world that understands that our natural expression needs to be encouraged.

When we act intially from our own truth in life, as a child emerging from its connection with home (whilch is potentially strong for at least the first 7 years), our actions can appear confusing to those who strive to educate and feed us.

Their education did not embrace experiencing their true nature being helped to flower, and so they teach as they were taught. This form of teaching aids the ability to communicate, but it does not help as much as it could with the ability to "be yourself fully".

So the challenge almost everyone faces in remembering their true self is "what love is" and "how to express it in life"........for it is in the expression of love in our lives that all our natural abilities start to emerge and be available to us.

Let us talk with you about "how love works" and "what love does". For in knowing how love acts in all dimensions of being, it is possible to see where the challenges are going to be in this change process that the world is going through.

As the world continues to learn to encourage people to "be themselves", it is naturally bringing more love into everyone's life that acts this way. Being yourself is the ultimate "loving the self" act for any individual. It is where true love expression has to start, for we can only give from the love we have experienced in ourselves.

Love expressed on earth is the ultimate experience, the ultimate high, the ultimate pleasure, for it reconnects us completely over time with "who we are". And when we eventually become the love that we are in all moments, then time ceases to exist for us, for we have no need or desire, to anticipate the future, or regret the past.

So how does love work?

The easiest way to start is to ask ourselves, in each and every moment with everything we say and do "What would love do now?".

Whether it is a difficult situation or one that seems easy to us, by asking the question we come to know our own inner workings. We get to know what "loves answer" feels like in ourselves by making it a conscious process. Over time this becomes our most valuable skill of all, for this question can eventually answer all questions for us, in the moment, with total accuracy for us in that moment.

So how do we know if love is speaking to are 6 ways of knowing if love is present in the answer you feel in your heart.

As you read these answers, note that Society has learned a set of arguments that deny these to be true. Or society accepts them to be true, but chooses to not act from them. So this is one of love's first challenges for you, as you seek to act from love in your life. For this is how we all change the world, by changing ourselves to be the love we are.

1. Love's answer will harm no one
At the most basic level, love seeks to harm no one. Harm is never justified in love. "Turn the other cheek", and "love your enemies", from our past teachings, contain all the answers we seek to understand.

2. Love's answer will not try to control anyone or anything
Love sets you free. Love never seeks to control you or another through fear or power. To offer true love is to offer it without expectation for yourself, but in the knowing your love will be passed to another in time, who may or may not be you. In this offering your own love becomes more powerful.

3. Love's answer will seek to empower others, to make them strong
Love cooperates with, supports, empowers and enhances others' lives. Love expressed knows that in empowering others it becomes even more powerful itself.

4. Love cares what happens to other aspects of life
Love never exploits another, or use their skills or abilities without their full permission. A contract of fair exchange is always present in love's answer.

5. Love always looks for the best in everyone and every situation as the starting point.
Love never focusses on what went wrong, but on what can be learned from this most recent experience in life. Love knows that everyone acts from their own unique sense of purpose, and tries to understand and appreciate that point of view. Love knows there is a unique god given talent special in everyone, that when it is made real in their life will bring happiness and joy to them and those they share life with.

6. And finally loves answer will always be good for you as well as the other person or group.
"Love's answer" is never at anyone's expense. It always benefits BOTH parties.
The great secret in life that is missed by many seeking life's answers, is that any action that is good for the individual and the whole will be both successful and easy (in the long run). It may be a little harder in the short term, but it is always easier in the long run. And ultimately it becomes easy in the short term when you understand how expressing love works through experience. Love's answer always serves the good of all at some level.

"What would love do now" is a way to empower yourself and all you are connected with. This is how the world is changing, and will change in the future. And we are each a unique and special part of that change, with so much to offer when our love is expressed.

And so it is.......................

Lost souls

We need to talk now about life's lost souls.

There are those who were separated from love in their lives. They said I will go to earth and live this role of being separate again in the hope that those who have love can shine their light and make my darkness light again............

In this simple way, we as "God experiencing being god as a human", experience "the joy of the love that we are" creating love in situations of less love.

When we experience love, it is the same as experiencing and creating joy and bliss. This is God knowing God through experience. So for God to experience the true power of love, "He as Us" created a world where love was needed to bring back into balance what was less love.

And part of that rebalancing is to open our hearts to all those who have been "evil" in their lives, who are both in this world, and trapped in the spirit worlds around the planet.

Why are they trapped?

Because they can only ever become whole again when the world loves them for being who they are, or were in their moment of time on the planet. They are God acting from evil to enable love to be expressed and experienced. They wait quietly for loves call.

When they are loved, by those on the planet who can understand this call, then the planet need no longer have new souls born who feel unforgiven, worthless, low in self esteem, angry and confused into the world in which they are born............

For by releasing the past completely, and seeing it for what it was for, to teach all souls how to experience love in the physical, so that God (as each of us) can experience physically enjoying being God, surrounded by God (in nature and all living beings), and with no fear about how to help God in others be released..................

This is a step beyond forgiveness, for it is simply accepting that they are and always have been of love, and that they have acted out their chosen role to help love be experienced on earth...............

And so it truly is, as it all comes into perfect balance.........

If you feel able, please join with us to set all that has been evil free to live the love it is...............Prayer is the way, praying for the release of all those lost souls back into love again.................

And so it is...........

Sunday 14 October 2007

Many dimensions of support for you in love

Now we want to work with you on the journey into the many dimensions, and how this works......................

Imagine you are here with us, for you are.

You are managing your life from here as best you can, with many aspects of you, that are friends and neighbours and relationships from many many lives and many many dimensions.

The goal is to find enough love on the planet in the things that you do, that you connect to the whole, as well as to the individual parts of spirit/soul that come into your life.

This is how it all works.

When you love others, however you do it, you open many doors for make all things possible. You light up the connections between you and them, and you light up the journey for you and for them.

And if you choose to you can try to do this for many in the world................. and these opportunities come the more you explore what you have done in your life...............

Through this exploration you learn to understand how love, working with us, with you, with all, and with the whole works.

This is multidimensionality!

When you know you are here too "in heaven", helping you "on earth" in this life, then you can create anything with us who are also you. Try it and see.................

Now! There is this part of you that doesn't like to test your power like that. This is what you say dearest one. "If I was to know what I am creating with all thoughts and how it was going to happen, where would all the fun be in its revelation.........?" "I don't want to know what is going to happen next!"

Quite right, and this is where we remind you that it is YOUR job to choose the energy of what you want to achieve, and OUR job here to make it happen, by the most effective loving ways that we can. We always bring love in, because love energy makes it all happen, and if you are open to loving people on earth, who unconsciously wish to explore opening their heart, then you will achieve whatever you want!

For EVERYONE in the world wants to respond to love, especially now in these "ascending" our role is we bring you those who can make a difference, you act in love, then we can all (HEAVEN AND EARTH) achieve much in this world TOGETHER..................

Now you see how it works.

This is the all of it, and you can teach this, for this is the most important part of the whole mix, that everyone is gradually stumbling towards...........

You have to be love, to want to be love, for this to happen. You can learn this in every aspect of your life - family, partners, children, friends and is all very confusing at first, and yet it is all becoming very clear.

The job is to spread the power of love to all, for in these times, your love is released sufficient that its power can be felt and seen all over the world REALLY can be, and it can be in all you do too..................

So how can we help you now. You ask us (Heaven) in to help, and what do we do to help?

WE create the most wonderful loving atmosphere for you and those you are sharing with, and all you have to do is allow yourself to be comfortable with this loving environment for it to be completely perfect.

All who are there will naturally work from the maximum love they have within them, whatever that may be.

It may seem to come out strangely occasionally, but no matter.......just know they are connected to love, and unconsciously are doing their best to manifest it. As long as you receive it as the best love they can offer, all will be perfect.

So it can be perfect. Ask and receive as you ask. And the secret, if there is such a thing, is that the key to it all is that WE here in "heaven" can, and WILL ALWAYS, create the loving atmosphere you call up for the time you are about to spend together with others sharing ideas and experiences .............and so it is.................... in this way, knowing this, you can be secure to talk from your heart in all moments of being there.................and so it is..........................the more you talk from your heart, the more they release their heart to you.

This is the great secret of multidimensionality!

You are here (in heaven), helping you (on earth) achieve love for all on the planet, and everyone can and will feel this in their own very special way.

This is the secret of it all................everyone is drawn by this feeling of being in a loving environment, and will interpret it in their own special and unique way.

Those who want to help the world through controlling others, miss the point of love. For love always sets others free, and so they can only be limited in their achievements. On the other hand, those who empower all who come into their lives, and try to empower all everywhere know the power of their love will make all achievable. They make everyone equal in love, and try to help them have equal access to whatever they want or need to experience their love on this planet...............

And so it is!

Friday 12 October 2007

Life entries time

We wish you many life entries now, many times when you experience the joy of life connecting with God that is you. This is A LIFE ENTRY, an energy of life as God appreciating what you have experienced, and the appreciation and experience becoming as one. This is also the 12th stage in the cycle of life each and every day..........................

Some call it a peak experience, where the joy of sharing with another is intensified to the point that it is a new experience for the Whole of God, it is a unique combination never experienced before, and as such enlivens God in his wholeness, and makes him even more complete in the ever discovering world of who we are........and who God is.....................

These entry energies are what feeds the whole, they are the realisation that we are Spirit Souls, that we have an extraordinary connection to all that is, and that we can achieve anything..............if we wish to...................they are the feelings that we are incredibly special (and initially separate us from others) in our unique identity, but in time enables us to see that this beauty is also there in everyone......

Take your time and make it all come true now.....................we are with you, in you and for you now..............and so it all is........................

Bless us, bless you and bless all in your life...............................for all are one and whatever and whoever you bless shines, and their light shines back on you and blesses you without you having to do anything, except be...and so you are fed, nourished and engaged in the love that is all...............

As you feed others so you are fed, as you encourage others, so you are encouraged, and as you nourish others so you are nourished.................. empowerment is at the heart, and this is what the world needs to see now.................this is our role, to show the empowerment within that sets the whole world free from all the timely shackles of past experiences............all this is dead and gone now, and the whole is ready to know who and what it is.......... in everyone.................

So continue with all you do that is physical, but know that your true new energy is to empower the whole that is in all.........................empower and set free........

Empowering is enabling the "life entry" energy to come into each person you are with, to feel their own connection with home within by being recognised and appreciated as they are..........................................and so it is.....................

Tuesday 9 October 2007

The good that is God in all

All of life is in front of you for all life is forever eternal................and all of life is behind you too, for all of life is lived in this eternity since God, as you, created you "to experience being God as this unique aspect of conscious spirit"...........

Imagine the circle or cycle of life that you know as the 12 months, or the 4 seasons, or the 24 hours in a day. And then think about the different energies of the different months, seasons or hours as they change through a full cycle.

These are the many individual energies that are the different aspects of the Soul of God. Soul of John is one of these as it carries the energy of "John". "John" energy says "see what's coming!", it tells you of a new dawn that is coming, a new seed in the ground, a new spring in the air............and it can see what this next phase is all going to be knows there is newness and goodness in the air. In Christian terms, John (the Baptist) is the foreteller of the Christ energy coming, the new ways of seeing things that are becoming possible.

This is one of the many energies of the spirit that are possible...........maybe your soul energy is to say, "let us learn from the past, there is no point in thinking about the future unless we learn from the past" (like the evening "review of the day" energy found in many traditions). Whilst another's soul energy maybe to say "forget about the past, for all that matters is what is possible in the future (a "new day" energy)", and yet another may say, "all that matters is now, and the past and future are irrelevant to this present moment where all choices are made"............

Each of these is correct as a perspective, and yet each is completely different in their approach to life. These are just some of the fundamental soul energies. They are each balancing aspects of the complete cycle of life that the soul of God takes form as. All energies ultimately balance each other out. They have to, or there would be chaos.

And whichever aspect you are of the Soul of God, then this is your total experience of your power through are living this energy in all lives and in all dimensions you choose to explore.....feeding back to the whole that is the Creator through your experiences of love, and enjoying the moment for what it is as this particular aspect of being that you are........................

Along the way, as a human being, you have learned ways of using your natural energy to try and express and protect your life in a world where all the energies of God's soul, in their many different seasonal forms are each learning new ways of experiencing who they are. The result is that everyone experiences the same situation differently, and everyone thinks they are right............

And they are..............

Whilst it was necessary to protect yourself from a world that sees things differently to you in order to conserve and understand your energetic approach to life, it is not how the whole will always live.

All aspects of the whole are a little, or a lot, different in their base or foundational energy from EVERY OTHER soul. And each is doing the same thing. It is finding out "who it is" in this present physical form, as it has been for all time...............

As we protect ourself from others different energy, rather than accepting and enjoying and celebrating the differences of other aspects of God's Soul, we experience a limiting of our own energy potential at best, and at worst a closing down of our own energy potential. We cannot grow to our full potential if we are not also connected to our lifeforce, the whole that we are part of. Just as the plant needs the sun to fulfil its full potential and be able to flower.

This cycle of expression has taken all of us through many life experiences that we can know in the fullness of who we each are now. All we have ever learned, in many different dimensions, as this aspect of the Soul of God, is who we are now, today.

And now, on planet earth, is where we have chosen to remember the whole of who we are. All of us together. For we all said that one day we would choose to remember (or re-awaken, or ascend) into who we each really are.

These are the changing times we find ourselves in.

Our "whole unique selves" remembering who we are, and celebrating that same remembering in and with every person in our lives. Seeing and experiencing God in every person on the planet that we share it with.

For all of God's energies are here now, all of his soul knowings through time, and it is as we learn to each become who we are, and then work together in this knowing, that an amazing new creation becomes possible..............

These are extraordinary times as God emerges in every spirit soul everywhere. Enjoy the ride, and make it easy for you by seeing and appreciating the good that is God, the special nature that is individual to everyone in your life.

And then you will see and know it in you..................

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Empowering each other is the way forward now

Love is the true empowering energy. When you treat a person as though they are "good enough to be loved by another", you lift them up into the warmth of their soul............

How do you best empower another?

You ask them what they want from life and want to give to life.........

You listen carefully, remembering that people will only express the all of who they are when they feel safe and therefore loved. Safety is found in creates all leads back to love. Love is the source of every energy that is good and helpful, and that empowers another.

You may ask them to explain more of what they mean (about what they want to give and receive from life), to find a deeper energy in the person. When you feel this deeper energy know they are empowered through your love.

You assume they are acting from their heart and you act from yours. It will make their heart come they feel safe, loved and appreciated for who they are.

If love is how we best empower another, how do we learn to love another?

Learning how to love another requires practice. It requires humilty, selfless actions (compassionate, caring support of anothers emergence as who they are), and understanding and appreciation of anothers viewpoint. Love is very gentle with the truth (appreciating that our view of the truth is often very different to anothers), offering it as a choice and not as a fact.

Love knows that empowering someone means letting go, letting them fly, encouraging them to be themselves. Each person has to create their own lessons in life for learning, according to their own special life needs. Whether they are easy or hard lessons is their choice alone.

Love knows the main "empowering another" role is to support, encourage and to listen carefully as they review their progress. By creating a place where the truth can be easily spoken, and the life lessons can be easily learned and new choices made.

Empower others if you wish to be empowered.

Saturday 22 September 2007

Appreciation and love

So let us talk about these things today. Appreciation and love. Can you appreciate the gifts that every person you meet brings into your life, for they ARE part of god, just as you are.

They are no more and no less than you.

They are just as important as you, and just as special as you in their own chosen skill pattern.

When you can appreciate another you are loving them. When you lift them up by showing them who they are from your perspective, when you see the gifts they bring by seeking them out, then you are loving and appreciating someone. And by this act you are making the world a much better place.

Appreciating another and supporting them in their life goals is the greatest gift to the planet. Bringing another part of the whole "more alive" is making the whole "more whole", more complete.

We are here to do this for each other. It is what we promise to do in coming here. To value each other, and support each other in achieving our full value. This is the game we are playing together.

If you want to know how to easily flow into the next dimension, here is one of the great secrets. Everyone is a part of you, and as such they are in your life for you to help them remember who they are, just as they are there to do it for you.

As each remembers their vital factors, their special skills, their creative intensities, their driving forces in life, so they connect to the "whole" and make it more complete. We are each here to do this for ourselves, with the help of others. And to do it for each other, by helping bring the natural energy within the other out. Helping them to find that creative spark within.

When you can help another, by showing them how special they are, then you can achieve great things. Then they will work with and for you for the good of the whole, for the good of themselves and you, and they will help make the world the much better place it is destined to be.

This is the special journey.

To first accept another as they are. Acceptance is what we all seek from each other, for it allows us to grow into more of who we are.

Acceptance can then grow to Appreciation of the gifts others bring. When another sees our special gifts, which have been with us all our life, and acknowledges and values them, then we are inspired to be more of who we are. It is like a turbo boost to "who we are", and a very powerful "energy of god" that is given us.

It is "God in the other person" recognising "God in us".

It is God seeing God on earth, and is incredibly powerful as a joining together energy. It is a blessed thing to behold , to experience and to do. To really see and love the God aspect in another. This is what appreciating the others gifts means.

Look and see the beauty of "the God you feel within" in everyone. It is there to be seen so much more clearly now. Don't wait for others to find God in you, find it in them first!

With many blessings

The Soul of John

Friday 14 September 2007

An incoming tide of love

For everyone it is a time of great truth and love expressed in the human angel form, as "the all of you" enters more fully than ever before....................

Take your time to allow all of this in. Take little steps that you will feel as you walk along this road, and know it is your time to experience the all of you more and more and more now....................................

Who is this greater you dearest one?

This is who you can explore now. The energies of lives long gone and yet still in your experience of the Akashic. Are these lives now? Are you living them concurrently with this one. Do you have a plan that you take to the all of you to explore.

Yes, for you are all these living experiences much of them as you wish to much of them as you care to open within you to be...........

Consider where you found your experiences of life from? From your balanced experience of many lives that tells you there is no need to strive.

To just be is the challenge of life, but as you grow and learn in your human form, it is very hard for you to just do this...........very hard indeed as the young growing child in the alien world that does not share the joy of who you really are with you.

But it does more now, and it is a time to completely enjoy all you do................... for you are living more of you now. Whether you are conscious of this or not.

This is the joy that you are beginning to experience.

Relaxing into being more of you.................

Let all worries go and focus just on what the good in you can do, on the love you can share............

"How much love can I share here now".

This is the only question, and if you do not understand the question in your current situation, then know it is really worth trying to understand and do it! For it will take you in leaps and bounds to the all of you, open doors within you that will surprise and delight you, and bring joy to your every living moment that you do it.

For giving and taking love, sharing love with each other, whether that other be a human, an animal, a plant, a tree, a stone or the whole of earth.............this is who you are, part of this love, and it is how you can remember the all of you better.

Sharing the love that you are.....................makes the love that you are greater, more powerful, more complete, more exciting, more inspiring and invigorating; and ultimately it fills you with joy..............

It is all you have to do....................

And all the support you need to experience this more complete aspect of you is with you now, in this moment, buoying you up on an incoming tide of love, and allowing you with ease to explore those parts of you that you could never easily have explored within you before.............

And so it is, and so it is for everyone, whoever and wherever they are. All want to make the world this better place it is planned to be...............all can feel it now, and where there is change to be made from the power of love flowing freely within, so it will be made now...................

Sunday 9 September 2007

All the 9's: Completion of the old

All the 9's.........09/09/2007 much completion of the old, so many endings now, so much that has run its course and is complete and where all can be seen for what it much is clearer now, so much is much easier to deal with, so much is being appreciated and understood in how and what makes it all tick, what truly makes the world go round....................

All that has been is no more, and all the experiences that life has given us lead us to one simple conclusion.............we must learn to live together, to cooperate, to support and enable each other to become all that we each we each become whole and complete so the world becomes whole and complete. There never was and never can be any other way.

We say "We" today because it is the beginning of the "We" phase.

We want you to remember that We are all in this together. We need you to work with us as much as you need us to work with you. We are all one, and our plan has always been, AND ALWAYS IS TO WORK TOGETHER. Spirit knowing and life living are one, and are here to become joined as one.

Be informed by matter and inspired by spirit. Matter gives you form, and spirit gives you life.........................together we are one, and you are only living with a small part of your total spirit active in your bodies at present. This is because the matter you are formed in has not been light enough to take the spirit energy that is available to it.

But now it is.

Despite all you may think you may have done to resist these energies within you, they are coming in now.......the old is past. The new is now, and all aspects of you are becoming inspired in the present. Spirit is entering every aspect of your life with a new intensity, a new power, a new delight, a new love.

All you have learned is as nothing, for now it is all becoming known within you and is you now. For this is what you have all chosen in your oneness with the All that is.

You need do nothing, you have nothing to change, nothing to take over, and nothing to become. Simply allow the all of you to be the love that you know in your heart you are. It is getting stronger by the hour now, from this day onward the new season is being played out. It is the time of change to become the new seed you have felt developing in you so strongly in these past months. This seed leaves the old and has all that it needs for the next phase of life. It knows, it is, and it is ready to give birth to itself.

By the time you reach 21/12/2012 (half way in the new 9 year cycle) you will have completely become the flower that this new seed is. You will have expressed the all that you are in new and whole ways with each other, and achieved goals you would never have dreamed possible.

How will this feel over the next few days and months..............

Strange, new and pleasantly confusing.

People, who you would never have seen as having a heart that could open, will open their hearts to their world. They will feel increasingly their own pain., and the pain of those around them that are in need of help.

As more spirit informs the human angel that is emerging in everyone now, pain will come quickly to the surface to be seen and released. Physically and emotionally this will be experienced.

Those who can help will feel drawn to helping, and those who are releasing will let it all out now. All will find someone special they can help and support and all will be supported by someone special in their life. This special person could be anyone that is in their life, from work, home or play.

Releasing pain is like giving birth to the new seed. It is not easy, but it is full of rewarding joy. It will grow in your life without your effort, but simply by being in the world, being part of the Gaia change that is everywhere now. You need do nothing except allow yourself to be drawn to where your heart leads you.

There are no dramatic life changes necessary, just different perceptions that will inform all that you each do now. Relax, enjoy, become the new seed that is sown in your heart, and live the love that you are, and always have been.

It is with many blessings that we join with this Soul of John energy, and wish you all grace in all you are now.

Saturday 8 September 2007

In the present as the present

Look to the heavens now. Embrace the stars at night and feel the extraordinary scope of life, the potential as yet misunderstood, that awaits you all in your awakening processes in this life now.................

We have explained before to you how much this is your creation, your clues are scattered across the skies. You play in this game as the human spirits you are, and yet you are the master creators of the game too.

You have created it all to play in and this is the illusion that you wished to experience.

Love finding itself.

For in this way you knew you would experience love in many different ways.

And so you have, and you have been fascinated by the pain you could create too. For it is the release of pain and the enjoining with love that the extreme journeys are taken and the maximum experience is created.

Your choice!

We remind you how much this experience you are in is all your choice, for you revel in the pain as much as you are basking in the warmth of love. It is all your choice, to experience these ranges of emotions, until you no longer wish to. For you have learned there is truly little joy in the awakening from pain to love, and then returning back to pain again. Now you can easily awaken from the pain you have created and let it go.

It has been a tricky journey for all, for you have created a society that is not based on love, but on controlling pain and minimising the enjoyment of love. You have tried to sanitise your life to control the pain. And you have created much that you are abandoning now, that has held you back from joy and love.

The great message is that you have chosen now to abandon pain and fear!

Pain is an opportunity now to find love.

Pain is no longer a choice you wish to make, and you know in making that choice that all choices for pain have to be reconsidered, re-evaluated, and reborn as love. Ultimately you will choose love unconsciously in all circumstances. And for now, initially, you do it consciously to change the habit (and this is what is happening worldwide now).

Until eventually the habit is revised and the new love habit becomes unconscious, and easily expressed because it is going WITH your true flow.

It becomes "this is what love does".

This transition, known as "the awakening" and the "change to the 5th dimension" is with all now, in unique and special and exciting ways for each person.

As you abandon pain you abandon the need to create more suffering in the world to feel good about yourself. You abandon the need to control the world you live in, and you begin to accept and appreciate the beauty of every living thing that enters into your glorious life.

Suddenly the beauty of it all becomes so much clearer. Suddenly the joy of sharing becomes the only joy you want......and bit by little bit you embrace the all of you and allow this extraordinary expression that is you to simply be. You judge you no more, you rejoice in you (for you would never change from being you given the choice), and know that you have this wonderful gift of you to offer the world.

It is a gift that makes all "full of wonder", for it a present that comes from being love now, in the present moment.

And so we see that "nothing that has been matters", "nothing that could be matters", and "all that actually matters is what our love creates now".................

This is the blessing that you have wished upon your selves, as the commanders of this incredible game, and these are the new ways in which you have chosen to play..............

Enjoy it all, share it all, and be in the present, as the present that is love.

Monday 27 August 2007

More of the 5th dimension you seek

There is no time here. It all becomes as one moment, and the only moment that matters is now. What can you summon of you into this moment much of you can you experience now?

What you see as your history is only the many aspects of you living in different ways in what you call different times. All is a continuous flow.

All time is now.

You have heard, but do not believe this thought, and yet the only time you can ever know anything is now. You cannot know anything in the future, for you cannot know you in the future. Only you cannot know anything from the past, only what you think of it now, but never what you knew then, for it is gone.

A better question is not what is time, but who are you now?

In love there is no time.

The whole motivation for the human journey is the permanent search for love. Love of self and love of others.

It is only your separation from the "all you are that is love" that creates the illusion of time. In love (of all and everyone) there is nothing to remember, just a joined up experience of love with all and everything, as the whole of you that you are...........

In love there are no decisions, just the joyous experience of the choices you make in each moment. As all experiences are of love there is nothing to remember, for you are experiencing love love is greater or higher than other love. It simply is, and whatever you are drawn to you are in that moment, and the choices are endless, as are the friendships, experiences and creations in love.

This is more of the 5th dimension you seek. This is more of the ascension you crave and search for.

If all are love, then automatically, as humans, you will feel the need to enable all to have access to whatever they choose to experience next. All will have access to all in love, and in this ascended state of being many human traits have no more relevance.

As human's you can make whatever you want if you choose to. As spirits of love, who know who they are, whatever you wish to create is there is naturally created for the joy of you and all, for you are both. You are all, and you are you............

There is no responsibility in love, nothing you have to do or must do, nothing that matters more than anything else. For everything matters. In the transition you are presently in of choosing humanly the love that you already are, you are struggling to let love in.

Why do you struggle? Because as a human you are happy to be as you are. However limited you may be, you have no desire to be as others, for you know and love your own unique self. You can feel the special ingredient that is you, and you have no intention of giving it up.

This is the same for the spirit love aspect that you really are. You have no desire to change the aspect that you are. It is a developed and enjoyed aspect of the whole that has lived as many created beings of the same essential soul energy. Now it is you as God remembering who you are in this body, and realising you are multidimensional too. You are in many soul connected bodies everywhere, in all aspects of nature, the planet and the universe.

You are everywhere now, and in this present human form you are exploring knowing more of who you are as the next big thing to do!

In all life there is the expansion into the many possibilities and the returning home to the source. Like the sun rising to midday and then back to it is for "the aspect of God you are" in this form. It is time to consider all the parts that you are, the many lives, the many different aspects of nature, the different galactic beings.................

As you open to the all that you are, both here and everywhere, you see how ALL THOSE who share their life with you are part of this soul family that is you. Just as every cell in your body is different, it is also the body that is you. It shares that common loving creative source of life, the spirit within that is you.

So you ask, if I am all of this, and there is no time, no responsibility in love, just the experience of being love in this moment now, what am I supposed to do with all of this?

You need do nothing.

Simply allow the love that you are to be expressed through your eyes and actions with everyone. Each person you see that struggles to let their eyes shine, show them how wonderful they are, encourage, nurture, feed, enable, seed, sow and be the sun, moon and rain for them. For this is who you ARE.

Timeless life is love expressed in each moment. Timeless life connects you with the all of you, the many dimensional aspects of you, both in this life and in your many lives. Choose to know the all of you now, and let this all be expressed.

This is the joy of eternal blissful life. It is the choice you as you, and you as everyone has taken. We ( heaven, earth and everything) ARE all one, and now you are beginning to open this door into the reality of this. Relax, enjoy and be the all that you are.

It is ajar now, the door into eternity, and you have chosen, as the all of you, to have it open much more in this life on earth now. Which is why you have chosen to be here now.

Be here now. There is nowhere else. And open to the possibilities of you, that you will know in love, is who you really are.

Be graceful in your love

Soul of John

Thursday 23 August 2007

The energy of the 5th dimension in living life

Here is the secret of everything.

We are all connected in love. We choose if we see this or not.

Knowing our oneness means acting only from this place in all decisions........ should I help the beggar who asks for help...........if you offer him money or help with love, and have no expectation of him as to how he will use what you offer, then he will grow and become more whole from the experience of your true love.....and so will you too love both parties always grow..............

It is the energy with which you do all that you do that determines the success you seek.

Nothing else.

If you seek to serve in what you do, then what you do will serve you. If you seek to exploit in what you do, then whatever you do will in the end exploit you too. We become whatever we choose to do and create.

Wherever we start from we are completely in control of our loving actions, and attempts to serve others. From this comes our joy or sadness, whatever we may have or not have, and whoever we may be or not be............those who have more are here only to explore their own gift of love in helping those who have less, and they have chosen this game in this lifetime; and those who have less accept with grace the help of those who have more, for this is their part in this game of love this time around.

Some of us are learning to receive with love, and some of us learn to give with love. For many it is harder to learn to receive with love in the human world. It is a lesson worth learning, for it sets us free. We all take turns at giving and receiving, both in each day, and each lifetime......................

Those who have more and cannot share will be unhappy for they are unfulfilled in their natural energy of life, They create a blockage in the natural flow of the energy that flows to and through them. And those who are able to accept with grace and appreciation give a different kind of love to those who are learning to give.

To accept a gift is as much a blessed act as it is to give give an unconditional gift with no expectation of any kind attached makes it the most valuable of gifts. And to accept a gift with full appreciation of the others unconditional love completes the energy cycle. And releases a vortex energy of love for everyone's benefit.........


Giving received with grace, and an offering given with grace enlivens the world with extraordinary power. This is the energy of the 5th dimension in living life. It is the energy of nature and of all things.

Only be aware of the energy that lies behind what you do. Know it well, and know you are love remembering who you are on earth. It is a game to be enjoyed!

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Entering the 5th or new dimensions

All of you are opening like new flowers to the new dimensions that surround you. How can you enable this process for you, make it easy to flow into, and so help others along the way.

Are you being you? Are you allowing the all of you to shine through without feeling you have to force it on anyone. Are you learning to be comfortable with being you.

Can you speak your story with someone. Can you listen to anothers story, without judgement and without giving advice. Each of you are Gods learning to be who you really are. You need to review and express your story more and more and more, and see the continuity of you, and accept and appreciate and bless the beauty of this. What have you been consistently drawn to in this life. If it harms no one then it is truly you. If it inspires you it is truly you too.

How could this special attraction you have be good for all. You are told that all of you have gifts that are good for all, that serve all in some way. But you may be struggling to see this more clearly.

As you search for you, you will come to see that the "true you" has always been present, but this "you" may have been blocked, thwarted and limited by you or by others in your life so far. Most often not by others, but by YOU making choices that say "I cannot, or should not do this". But it would not go away, it was always there, that part of you wanting to create or understand or improve something that was important to you............

The power of who you are comes alive when you love others and yourself enough to simply be you. Practice on others first, for you cannot love yourself if you are not able to see the beauty in others first. Can you accept anothers ways, see through their frustrations, and encourage and appreciate their inner and outer beauties. Can you bless them as they are, accept and appreciate them just as they are. Then do the same for you!

It is a permanent cycle of life. Love others, love yourself, love others, love yourself, love others......... Each feeds of the other, and both are needed to ease this dimensional shift now.

For all of you cannot move forward until you are accepted as you are. Can you accept others have something valuable they are trying to contribute, can you see through the bluster and the mistakes and hurt and appreciate the real person in each person you meet - especially those who are close to you. For when you can see the real person, their pain and bluster will gradually fade, and the true loving person will emerge in them, AND IN YOU.

For you cannot have what you cannot give. To have acceptance and appreciation of who you are you have to give it, to see the beauty in all others, and to envcourage it to emerge.

To value it and to see it in another is to experience it in yourself..................for this IS the God part of you, that can see the God part in all others that come into your life. This is how you become the Gods that you are, by experiencing the Gods that others are.

So today, look for the good, appreciate the unique ways of another, accept their painful and fearful expressions as just where they are at right now, and know the more relaxed and beautiful self will emerge when they are more accepted as they are. Not told to change, not advised to do this or that, but listened to where they are now. Encouraged to speak and express and be......................

This is how we can help you. Each of you is connected to 5th dimensional change angels that want to help you in these personal changes that are with all now. Ask for our help to connect in new ways with all in your life. Ask us to make it easy to see the good, ask the good that is each of you to flow now, for this is who you really are, this is the true you.

Blessings and much grace to you all..........

Soul of John

Wednesday 15 August 2007

The rising tide of love

We want to talk with you about the rising tide of love that you have been aware of for a long long is a rising tide that is fast rising, that is engulfing all, and having dramatic effects on many peoples lives..............what is inspiring in people is also a cleaning out the old, and there is giant acknowledging, tidying up and cleansing of all of the past.

It is a balancing of energies. A giant rebalancing

See where we are in the picture of life now......the 7th year in the 12 years leading up to 2012. The true balancing of the old energies and seeding of the new energies come in this period 2007 and 2008...

We told you that August is the true beginning of a new cycle each year some time ago, and we tell you again. This is the true new seeding time...when the fruit of the old is ripe and the new seeds for the new year are ready to enter the ground. It is a warm, relaxing, time to reflect and is why July and August are quiet months in the world - people need this time seasonally to reflect and recreate their lives anew. The sun in the high sky is a time for great reflection................

So just as this is true in the 7th and 8th months of the 12 month year as we know it, so it is true in the 7th and 8th years of 12 year cycle up to 2012.

This is the time of total releasing of the past and new seeds being born.

Imagine also the rising tide of love that comes from the outer systems of the planets and galaxies that is here to help at this time. This is the soul input in a cycle of change that comes and goes. Galactically this "warmer" time (of increased love energy) comes around, and we all know it is real and join with it, in the main unconsciously...........

However, the "rising tide of love" brings many challenges for a world that is exploring the outer limits of life experiences.............for "I" expression, the ego that is the God centre in human form, wants to try everything out, wants to explore possibilities, wants to appreciate what can be done, especially in the male energy........ this energy enjoys working with the material plane............

At present cooperative working together brings many benefits, as your society shows, and these many benefits do get shared over time with all. The great skills and inspiring powers people and groups experience become products that have to be shared with all.................

However, at present there are limits on creation created by humans, for not too much of the creation is concerned with enhancing "the whole of life" as well as "my part of life" consciously............

Some do understand these energies (and want "free search of knowledge for all" and "computers for all"), and they try to explain what feels like a unique feeling in their lives and businesses. These people will always do well, but this is not an accepted truth of reality for all. It is not seen yet that the "I" who works for "the self" and "the all" in equal measure will always succeed in this new emerging reality.........................

So any creative project that shares the love (or inspiration) of the individual, or of a local cooperative, freely is an energy that cannot fail to succeed......if the project or business is for the good of all, and the good of the individual, (as a company or a person) it cannot fail. is connected to the all, to all those unique aspects of God in everyone..............and unconsciously or consciously people know it in these new times, and will support.........

This is a massive energy change in economics and business............

So these are the new energies that have always been there for those who could see, but are being alighted in everyone at the same time.....................right now..................

And the challenge for all the individuals right across the planet is that they are tired (and will be for the 7th and 8th years of change), they do not want to do too much, for there is a DNA change (or a new seed being born that is them) going on right now.

There is an activation going on in everyone that is enabling more of their soul to live more comfortably in their body.

Consider that presently 5% - 25% maximum of the soul spirit energy lives in the body while it is being human (too much love would destroy the physical body).................................what if this were to move to 25 - 50%, or any such number that you consider to be possible.....

What would this feel like, for this is the energy you are all experiencing now.........great wisdom, ease of understanding what is going on, a desire to improve and change things, many crises as things are needing to be looked at in new ways, letting go of all that is old and used up.

A bright new light of love is shining on the world...saying now you HAVE to choose again.........the power of love, or supporting your fellow men and women is so strong it cannot be all aspects of emerging love in life, the spirit is activating a new body to come alive, in mind, body and spirit...................

Everything you have created up to now has just been to help get as many of you as you can to this point in the history of man.....many older people are hanging on with all the drugs, and many new are being born..........all are waiting to see and feel all the change has been your challenge in coming here.

Because as God you want to experience the joy of love coming into a human body....the same experience as waking up in heaven after you have changed form, but this time you are on exciting is that!

All your machines, drugs, foods, houses, planes, trains and cars - all your dreams and aspirations and realities up to now have been to experience being human and then gradually bringing more universal love into the mix.

You are waiting for the time when the whole planet is ready to wake up to the all of who you all are..........heaven on earth is simply being able to create together as well as on your own, in new ways, in a new level of love experienced on earth........all will change in a moment when this becomes the reality that you experience as a human beings all together..................

Individuals who have already touched the experience, have felt the download of light and love into their own lives.................They have seen they have to share, and have accepted the lack of privacy, in a world that doesn't quite understand, to be able to bring to the world the new energy signs.....

These way-showers are just like John the Baptist, they say "Watch out for what is coming................... you will be driven to help the world you live in until it is love everywhere all the time for all............there is no escape from is the new seeded energy that is happening now on your beautiful planet - enjoy it all!"

And so it is.............

Soul of John

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Time to see the whole picture

In general the world is going through rapid change, as all of you know now. There is no doubt in a growing number of minds across the planet. You all know your DNA is changing, as the natural cycle of life is bringing this change to you now. In reality it is simply activating what has always been there and not used before.

We want to give you a simple analogy of a flower coming out of the ground into the sun. It uses part of its DNA when it emerges from the earth that it had previously not apparently used.

When the flower comes out into the sun its leaves now take its "growing energy" from the sun (through photosynthesis), and its roots are no longer its only source of power and growth.

The flower is now connected to its source (the Sun) and is receiving direct communication that it is individualising for its own needs.

This is what is happening to everyone now. Some of you are later flowers than others who will flower more gloriously when you do emerge into the Sun, whilst others are like the early snow drops that have been here in a lonely world waiting for everyone else to come through.

We are entering the springtime for life on this does get warmer, and it does feel as though much is changing.

But most of all it is the time when all human life will experience the power of the Sun (of God) energy within them, awakening them to all of who they are. Some might call this the "Son of God", the emerging "Christ/Christos/Krishna spirit" within all......

As the Sun energises us it lightens our earthly load - we need less energy from the earth, from our roots, and we can begin to source our wisdom from the sun (our spirit source) and the stars. We are seeing our universal connections to all on this planet and to all in all of the Galactic systems.

We are feeling we are part of the whole, and we are feeling our spirit source within us talking more and more with us. We are here to flower, to become all of who we are, and to remember to let go of our past and go with the flow in each moment.

We are here to flow, to become flow-ers.......................

This is the big picture and the Soul of John energy, the energy of the way shower is with you all now.................................we will talk more about the implications of all of this in the coming times. But if you want a picture that will help you now, think flower in the is who you are...............

Blessings and grace to all

The Soul of John