Saturday 24 November 2007

A rapidly changing world and self - and love, truth and beauty

Your world is changing everywhere now in ways that feel very speeded up for everyone. Fundamental issues that have been ignored can no longer be ignored, on all levels of being.

Every truth that has been known within each person, but has not been acted upon, is coming up for air.

All that is "not of the truth" within each individual is being cleared out, is being released, is being let go and is being abandonned. Karma if you like is becoming instant, in the sense that action and reaction are bound in the timeless energy of truth for each individual.

Whatever a persons truth, it is supported stronger than ever before by the planetary changes, and is here to be lived now, in a big big way..................

As this wave of change flows stronger over the planet it is being experienced in different parts of the world in very different ways.

Truth is beauty is love............ and yet beauty, truth and love are completely individual too.

Each persons natural experience of each of these energies means that the changes will be felt like a wave of massive change across the world, a ripple of love and beauty. All that is not of a personal truth, as well as group or corporate truth, will have to face what is real, and feels like truth within.

Truth is only ever known within, as all truth is individual. And when we are connected to our truth, it is our individual nature with truth that allows us to be in the right place at the right time in this rapidly changing world.

The "beauty" that we can create by "loving" ourselves enough to follow our own inner "truth" is the conundrum of change every person on the planet faces, in their own special way now.........................this is how "truth", "beauty" and "love" interact in this planetary change we are all experiencing in our lives.

How will we experience this in the larger world....................................

Moving towards truth in life means finding the balance point between where truths vision lies and where we are now. Rapid change will unsteady the boat, and even sink it. Gentle, thoughtful change, accepts who and where we are now. This is vital, as it has been necessary to having a starting place (where we are now) from which to get to where we want to go to. "Where we are now" is perfect for where we need to be led to gently by our truth within.

How will this affect our relationship with the world? As all change to their own inner truth as their guide, we will change our points of view on many subjects that we have held fixed through fear.

It will happen as we see our oneness and begin changing our relationship with making arms that can destroy the world, changing our relationship with currencies that are over valued, changing our relationship with economies that that can work for the good of the world as well as the good of the nation, changing our relationship with democracy and freedom of expression, and making " support of life" a fundamental principle for all life on earth.

All of these things are part of the world in which we live that are changing, and where we have in place safety mechanisms now that enable us to make smooth change that harms no one and benefits the greater good.

To make the change smooth the World vision will become clarified and owned by all governments. In the same way that we can now see that we pollute our planet and need to change our habits for the good of all, so we will learn to make the "support of all life" and "the reduction of pain and misery for all" a fundamental that we need to achieve for all, before we can move on together as a world based on truth, beauty and love.....................

And truth, beauty and love is who we each are uniquely, in our own individual expression on this earth.

So this "how can I save the world" energy, that many feel now within in their own hearts, and don't know how to manifest in their life, is the rising energy of truth seeing what we have created and how it must change to make our future possible................and it can change gently, as long as it is deliberate and positive, and clear in its vision or goal.

Our interdependence and oneness will clarify the goal.

This is lifes challenge now. this is where you all reside in lifes journey in this moment in time. Think of 2007 as the year of reflecting, as a world, on what you have created, and becoming very concerned for where it is all out of balance.

As a world you have moved into a shared understanding of what you have created. 2008 is the time of rebalancing globally and individually, of creating the new seed of hope for positive change together, as a world, that we will plant and sow worldwide in 2009.

In getting to this place much that we have taken for granted will need to change. It can be gentle, but it cannot stay the same is the simple message. It must change for the good of us all, which is ultimately for our own individual good too.........

This is lifes beautiful challenge.............

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