Sunday 14 October 2007

Many dimensions of support for you in love

Now we want to work with you on the journey into the many dimensions, and how this works......................

Imagine you are here with us, for you are.

You are managing your life from here as best you can, with many aspects of you, that are friends and neighbours and relationships from many many lives and many many dimensions.

The goal is to find enough love on the planet in the things that you do, that you connect to the whole, as well as to the individual parts of spirit/soul that come into your life.

This is how it all works.

When you love others, however you do it, you open many doors for make all things possible. You light up the connections between you and them, and you light up the journey for you and for them.

And if you choose to you can try to do this for many in the world................. and these opportunities come the more you explore what you have done in your life...............

Through this exploration you learn to understand how love, working with us, with you, with all, and with the whole works.

This is multidimensionality!

When you know you are here too "in heaven", helping you "on earth" in this life, then you can create anything with us who are also you. Try it and see.................

Now! There is this part of you that doesn't like to test your power like that. This is what you say dearest one. "If I was to know what I am creating with all thoughts and how it was going to happen, where would all the fun be in its revelation.........?" "I don't want to know what is going to happen next!"

Quite right, and this is where we remind you that it is YOUR job to choose the energy of what you want to achieve, and OUR job here to make it happen, by the most effective loving ways that we can. We always bring love in, because love energy makes it all happen, and if you are open to loving people on earth, who unconsciously wish to explore opening their heart, then you will achieve whatever you want!

For EVERYONE in the world wants to respond to love, especially now in these "ascending" our role is we bring you those who can make a difference, you act in love, then we can all (HEAVEN AND EARTH) achieve much in this world TOGETHER..................

Now you see how it works.

This is the all of it, and you can teach this, for this is the most important part of the whole mix, that everyone is gradually stumbling towards...........

You have to be love, to want to be love, for this to happen. You can learn this in every aspect of your life - family, partners, children, friends and is all very confusing at first, and yet it is all becoming very clear.

The job is to spread the power of love to all, for in these times, your love is released sufficient that its power can be felt and seen all over the world REALLY can be, and it can be in all you do too..................

So how can we help you now. You ask us (Heaven) in to help, and what do we do to help?

WE create the most wonderful loving atmosphere for you and those you are sharing with, and all you have to do is allow yourself to be comfortable with this loving environment for it to be completely perfect.

All who are there will naturally work from the maximum love they have within them, whatever that may be.

It may seem to come out strangely occasionally, but no matter.......just know they are connected to love, and unconsciously are doing their best to manifest it. As long as you receive it as the best love they can offer, all will be perfect.

So it can be perfect. Ask and receive as you ask. And the secret, if there is such a thing, is that the key to it all is that WE here in "heaven" can, and WILL ALWAYS, create the loving atmosphere you call up for the time you are about to spend together with others sharing ideas and experiences .............and so it is.................... in this way, knowing this, you can be secure to talk from your heart in all moments of being there.................and so it is..........................the more you talk from your heart, the more they release their heart to you.

This is the great secret of multidimensionality!

You are here (in heaven), helping you (on earth) achieve love for all on the planet, and everyone can and will feel this in their own very special way.

This is the secret of it all................everyone is drawn by this feeling of being in a loving environment, and will interpret it in their own special and unique way.

Those who want to help the world through controlling others, miss the point of love. For love always sets others free, and so they can only be limited in their achievements. On the other hand, those who empower all who come into their lives, and try to empower all everywhere know the power of their love will make all achievable. They make everyone equal in love, and try to help them have equal access to whatever they want or need to experience their love on this planet...............

And so it is!

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