Saturday 5 April 2008

Moving into the now, little by little

In each moment it all is...................nothing that we can ever want is not here test yourself with yourself, and the all of you is also trying to engage the all of you on earth in all that is unfolding. You are engaged, and it is good for you to be going forward in this way.....................

There is nothing to do except to love and to support and to encourage and to be................for all that you could ever want to be is here with you now....................

Let us give you a new picture today, to add to the all that is coming through for you and for all.

Multidimensionality means that the connection you can have with anyone through love is empowered by your open heart. As you are all connected to each other in your deepest place in your heart, in your connection to God, so it is possible to be with anyone that you wish to be with............however and whenever you wish in your dream world, or even in your conscious world too...........

So be blessed, and know it is all in your own dream that everything exists................the feeling you had that the world was created just for you is true. It is all there for you to find your way through, and it is all yours to experience as the fully God centred part of you.

Knowing this to be increasingly true now allows you all sorts of loving challenges and opportunities to unfold...................and yes, ultimately everything becomes an opportunity for you each "to experience as love on earth".............if it pleases you it is good, if it hurts or exploits another it is not helpful to the whole by continuous choice, and if it is neither, it just is an experience, then this is good too........and then there is no good or bad, just choices we make in our knowing conscious loving mind that become knowing actions that are connected to our being.....

With no thought in the process - "knowing and being and acting become as one"..............this is the complete process you are exploring now, so enjoy it and be it dearest love in the now....................

However this process relies on you being connected to love, the love that is the wisdom of God connection within you.............and so it all is...................NOW!

So to make the connection, practice asking yourself, "as love, what am I doing now"..............................

If you do not feel love emerging from within you, then ask "what would love do now"..............

And then note your actions, give feedback to you, and know that this loving aspect of the centre of you is being activated by this process coming alive within you now.............

Enjoy the life of love that is yours now!

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