Tuesday 19 August 2008

Your Presence in your present

All your dreams are available to you now. The world in which you live is complicated by one thing, and one thing alone.

People are learning to be their spirit as a human, and to do this they must learn to live in the present moment, and to not let their past and future be entertained.

Love flows only in the present moment, as you allow yourself to connect to all tht is around you. Everything that is in your present moment, in your presence, is part of you in some way. It is your creation that you have enabled through your life choices. It is the world that you have created with the Greater part of you, the guiding spirit part of you, that you can see as you or separated from you.

It matters not initially how you see this Greater you, but in time you will come to know the true meaning of oneness, and will know you are connected to anything and everything.

The naturalist knows this. Anyone that works with the joys of nature knows they are connected to all they see in some inexplicable way. But they know it to be real for them, and it feeds them with wonderful feelings that make it impossible for them to choose anything else. They live in the moment.

Each person has their own special way of relating to all around them. Everything in their life is a part of what life offers to them. It is chosen by them to feed them, for it is what they need in this moment now......................and if they reject what is around them then they create a dissonance that makes life uncomfortable.

Living with "love of all you are connected to", that is present in your life, now, is the crucial key to unlock the doors into the new dimensions of living that are open to us all now.

Experiencing each moment for the joy it brings, blessing everyone that comes into your life, whether they bring challenge or ease, and not predicting a future or worrying about the past, is how to live the true you.

This is the process of "living now", as our world opens up to our greater being, the spirit within emerging more strongly in our life in each and every moment.

Let the future go....let it be whatever it is, and know that in the moment of living in that future, you will know all you need to know as you have chosen all that you find in your life at that time.

Let the past go...........for it taught you many things about you, about how to love all, especially your neighbours and enemies, and how when this is not possible life can become very painful. Forgiveness is the bridge back to love, until we cross the bridge and see there was ACTUALLY NOTHING TO FORGIVE....IT WAS JUST YOUR FEARS THAT WERE BEING RELEASED.

And so it is.........

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