Wednesday 4 March 2009

Accept, appreciate and bless all

Accept, appreciate and bless all

When you accept someone as they are, you bless them. When you appreciate them for who they are you bless them even more, and when you feel blessed in their presence and bless them for this gift they bring you, you give the greatest blessing.

The road to becoming healed means you feel accepted as you are by those around you.

The road to feeling inspired and enlivened is to feel truly appreciated for what you do and say by those around you.

And to feel fully blessed in life is to fully bless all others that come into your life.......................

We are what we do...............

Put another way............................

As we accept others as they are, we begin to heal them.

As we appreciate others for who they are and what they do, we do more than heal them, we inspire them.

And when we bless another through our thoughts, words and deeds, we help them feel so blessed they experience their own unique connection with God within them.

God lives in everyone. He has a unique connection with each person that gives them gifts no one else has. When we look for and see those gifts in another, we find the good or God within them. We also find it in ourself too.

And when we find their good, we help Go(o)d be released within them. This is when their life takes on its true meaning, and all healing and joy comes from this. And at the same time we release God within us too!

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