Thursday 17 December 2009

you need do nothing...................

"In this moment" is all you ever need to give your focus to. Who am I now.

In the end, when it all comes down to it, you need do nothing.

There is no requirement of you to do anything except to just be. To just be you is the heart of being true to you. The sames as loving you and all others.

In this moment you can do this, and it becomes more complete the more love you can allow to flow through you. This is allowing more of the loving you to be set free.

And allowing more love to flow also means you let go of what is not love in your life.

Then God's love, your connection with God's love, will flow through you and joy and bliss and eternal connection are experienced.

Enjoy this time of reflection. Know you are part of God, from endless lifetimes of being, and you are here to enjoy and share all of you with all others in your life.

And so it always is.

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