Sunday 4 May 2008

The child of your higher self

We are here to tell you one simple thing. When you open your heart and invite love in, know that it is your love that you invite in.

You are the child of your higher self on earth.

Your higher self contains all the love you need and that you are, and as you invite love in know it is your love. And use it as you feel it growing. For by using it you enable it to flow through you.

Then you will transform your life. You will become the conscious child of your higher self, and know exactly, in the moment, what you need to do next. You will know, and you will let go of any needing to understand.........

Because you are love, you have no need to understand anything. You don't need to understand that you love a baby. You love this baby because it is a part of you. Love is who you are when you accept this to be true.

To understand is not of love, not of the all of you, for it requires you to make judgements and process information. To know is simply to be in the moment and express the love that you are............

Be the love you are, know you are a magnificent creation of your own higher soul self, and that you are eternally aware of your oneness with the God that is of you and is you...................

Invite love from your heart into your "heart in your head"................and know what love does...........

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