Sunday 25 May 2008

The only goal

When we remember our true power within there will be no more ill health.

When we recall why we are all here, and support each other on our individual journeys through life, and this support becomes part of how everyone works, then there will be no fear, no pain and life will be full of joy..........

Although this seems an idealistic vision, somewhere in everyone there is a memory of "who we are", a sense of something important about us that no one reminds of with confidence..............

Is there a God, a Creator....or did it all just happen by chance?

If there is no creative force that we are part of then nothing we see would or could be..................everything you see is a result of someone's creativity.

There has to be a Creative Force, and we are a part of it.

Every cell in our body came originally from one cell, and has unique properies (like being a brain, elbow, hand, stomach, liver or heart cell etc). And yet every cell is part of the whole body too.

And the cell contains in the DNA everything about the whole body, it is like a hologram of the whole body.

This means every cell knows everything and is connected to everything.

We, as humans, are the same as cells. We are unique beings as part of the Created Whole. And when we know this, see this, and live this, then we will make new choices in our lives for ourselves and for everyone.............

And the glue that joins it all together is love.

When we love the other parts of ourselves as ourselves, then we are complete and whole.

This is our true power.

When we love all as a part of ourselves, then we completely love ourselves too. And when we love ourselves, we allow ourselves to completely be ourselves. Then we are totally happy and content, at peace and fulfilled.

This is the only goal..................

We are each a part of God experiencing life on earth through us.

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