Tuesday 3 June 2008

Why does it feel so hard?

It is like walking through treacle or thick sticky mud............all that "has been" clings to you and won't let go, because you are choosing to not let it go. You think you have chosen to let it go but you haven't yet. Why, if you think you have let go, is it still sticking to you.........

Because you haven't asked us each day, in every way to help you.

You have to see clearly what you are letting go of and choose with us to let it go......................you cannot simply have a bad experience and say I let go of this.

Unless you see what it is in you that attracted and brought this experience to you, you can't let go.

Remember, in the new world you KNOW that you choose and bring to you all experiences. Until you begin to know that you make these choices in this changing world, how can you let go of the old?

The "old" says to you..........I am no more if you see me for what I am in you. And then you can ask heaven, the angels, God, your higher greater self, to help you now to let go of this part of you...................

You have to want to do it, and by asking us with meaning and feeling, having seen the truth in you being released, then you will achieve your "letting go" goal, and be free to walk on firmer ground...............

Where is the pain in your life? What is the pain you feel?

If you can welcome your pain as your guide to the road back to the real you, then you will be able to find all you are looking for. Your fears and pain are what you need to embrace and appreciate as your guides to who you are behind the pain and fear.............

Your guides say, "Here we are, waiting to be released now. We can't go away as in the old days, because everyone is changing, and you asked to be at the front of the queue so that in turn you could help others...................."

Ask us to declare ourselves to you clearly...............see what aspect of "you" you want to be looking at with compassion now. Look at this part of you with total love, for it is this part that has stopped you being too powerful in your body when your body would not have coped..................

Now your body, and everyone's bodies are saying, we are ready to hold more of "the spirit that is you" in human form. This is the change energy.................

Look with total love and compassion on the pained and fearful you, embrace this support from your ego that has protected you up to now in a world that does not seem to understand, and know that you can be free when you open the doors in your heart to trusting and working with heaven consciously all the time now.............it is that time............

Love all of you and so love all.....................

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