Wednesday 19 November 2008

Deep Spirit Connections

We are here to explain the deep spirit connection that is contained in your agreements with those in close family and friends.......friends that feel how family could be.................

When you are spirit in heaven, on the other side you are aware of all of your interconnections with other beings /spirits / souls who you have worked with before. In this life these are always the people you feel most drawn to, that you end up spending a lot of time with, and who influence the quality or direction of your is exactly as it is in computer games, except that the level of interaction is much more subtle and not at all obvious until you make a breakthrough in your own understanding of the way life is..................

We are trying to remember through the experiences of life that we are each part of God, that we are interconnected, that we chose to play together, that we hold messages that are key for each other, that we don't know what we do for another, that we are supposed to be true to who we are inside REGARDLESS OF HOW WIERD IT MIGHT FEEL............................

And the natural flow of energy now is that everyone is waking up more and more to the real person inside that in a sense controls their life. This is the chosen "avatar" that we came to play as. We have arrived at this person with these skills after much discussion and soul searching as to how to best develop this aspect of your whole soul's experience (which is also off doing many other things in different dimensions as well as on earth).

For many this is not new information. For many the idea that we are both players in the game of life on earth and the creators of the game has not been an idea to struggle with. It makes sense, and it helps make much more sense of life. When we choose to explore as a world this true relationship with life, we will enable much more delight and joy in the game that we are playing in.

So why is this so important to be exploring now? Because we have entered the new phase of the age of ethics, the time when ethical and integrated decisions will survive and prosper. Simply put this means connecting with our individual inner truth. It means accepting that all that we do is who we are, and to feel blessed for these reasons, these ways of being, these skills or passions. They are us, and then as we accept that "what is" is for a reason, then we can move on and make new is full acceptance of ourself as we are, and seeing how being the way we are enables and supports others on their journey.

We are looking at choices we made together as spirits, checks and balances in our inter-relationships to help each other achieve the goals we each have within our hearts.

This is a deep soul connection, beginning to see these inter family/friend/colleague connections, these healings that we are bringing to each other, these enlightenings and strenghtenings in our love of self and all................

So how can we find what we hold for another, and can we let it go if it no longer serves us in our view from earth.

To realise a gift we brought to offer another is very powerful. It opens all the doors in life to a much stronger connection to God. Being true to the true you is what makes your connection with God very strong.

But what if this gift we hold is so painful to bear in our minds eye. This is because the human part of us is not accepting who we have chosen to be. It cannot be changed until we accept ourselves as we are, and accepting ourselves means we would not want to change it unless its role had been fulfilled. Accepting ourselves as we are means that we accept our role in changing the world for the better, in our own special ways.

And then we simply connect with the God we feel in our heart guiding us in each moment, and by living in each moment listening to our heart (our connection with God) within, we become free to be all that we are.....................all that we chose to be in this life when we created the game that we have chosen to play in.

So how do we make this understanding of life more practical in this age of truth and ethics?

"Where is the pain that needs transforming" is the question. And "Where is the joy that we have that we are gifted with".

Finding and knowing and living this transformation of pain into knowing, into acceptance of who we are allows all possibilities to be manifested. It allows all choices, but it is not until full acceptance is there that change is possible of the deep soul connection kind. Finding the beauty in "our darkness", in "the pain we experience"is the challenge everyone is facing in this changing world we live in................this is the transformational energy that all know who have accepted who they are completely, and offer their true selves to the world in each moment.

Gifts that bring us love serve to make life enjoyable, and "difficulties" that we have serve to help us to transform some aspect of our being to one of love. Love for ourself completely and for all others, no matter what gifts or "difficulties they may have to experience.

In time all experience becomes good, becomes "of love", and so we see the whole picture that life offers much more completely. This is when we totally accept who we are as the gift we have given ourselves to live with in this life on earth now. This is the road we travel to find peace in our lives in each and every moment, regardless of what we are doing....................

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