Sunday 9 November 2008


Your world has changed completely......your love for all is what will protect all, and your love of the earth is why you are here

Our message is simple today. Everyone knows that the world has changed. Many of you have prayed for it and it is now manifest. Now how do you plan to make your offering to this new world. This is the challenge that faces you now. How do you want to be in this new world you have been part of creating.

Talking with your deepest connection, your soul connection to God, to your part of god is how you will know, and when you invite this energy to flow through you, so it will..................Across the world people are connecting to their part of god in ways never imagined before. They can feel their love for their fellow men and women in new and extraordinary ways, and it is this feeling that is lighting up the world now.

You are all born anew. No one is the same as they were prior to 4th November 2008. Nothing can or will stay the same, for so many trust the inherent balance that is offered on the world stage, and that which has fallen is now arising. Chaos is always needed before change, to allow everyone to see what needs to be changed. Thank God for those who have shown us both sides of this, for in this programme of accelerated learning on earth, you are all now ready to move the world on, in your own individual and unique ways.

Be blessed and accept that as you bless so all are blessed. Pray for the strengthening of each others connection with God within, each others unique connection with God within. For as all these aspects of God come alive across the planet now, and the melting pot that is the earth becomes more and more coffee coloured, and intermixed, so you will see wisdom arising everywhere.

You can see it now, and it is very exciting. It is grounded, unlike the way it felt in the 60's, it has depth and it knows, for it is connected to the God within each person.

Enjoy the game now. It is here to be played together!

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